Повышение эффективности обучения аудированию на уроках иностранного языка в средней школе

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Июня 2011 в 12:54, дипломная работа


Цель данного исследования: описать наиболее эффективные методы и приемы обучения аудированию на английском языке.

Объектом исследования является процесс формирования навыков аудирования на английском языке в средней школе.

Предметом исследования являются методы и приемы обучения аудированию.

Гипотеза: обучение аудированию будет более эффективным при условии использования наиболее активных форм и методов обучения аудированию, соответствующих возрасту, уровню обученности учащихся, учёта трудностей, возникающих при обучении аудированию.





§1 Понятие, цели и содержание аудирования в процессе

обучения иностранного языка в средней школе..........................................6

§2 Психологические особенности учащихся подросткового возраста…12

§3 Условия, определяющие эффективное обучение аудированию

на уроках иностранного языка в средней школе…………………………16

§4 Средства повышения эффективности обучения аудированию

на уроках иностранного языка в средней школе ………………………...28

Выводы по I главе…………………………………………………………..46

Глава II. Опыт работы по использованию аудирования

в процессе обучения иностранному языку в

средней школе ……………………………………………………………..47

§1 Описание опыта работы по использованию аудирования

в процессе обучения иностранному языку в средней школе………….47

§2 Результаты опытно-экспериментальной работы по

использованию аудирования в процессе обучения иностранному

языку в средней школе………………………………………………..….69




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Приложение  №5

       Цель: Создать условия для формирования лингвострановедческих знаний в области американских традиций через чтение текста под названием “Halloween”,  а также создать условия для формирования навыка аудирования.


       Образовательная: Формирование знаний у учащихся о существующих в Америке традициях и о празднование Halloween в Америке;

       Развивающая: Развитие навыка чтения, навыка аудирования, и навыка устной речи по теме «американские праздники;

        Воспитательная: Воспитывать уважительное отношение учащихся к традициям иноязычной культуры;

       Практическая: Учащиеся выполняют ряд заданий, направленных на развитие навыка аудирования

       In the USA Thanksgiving day started as a holiday of Thanksgiving in the early day of the American colonies about hundred years ago. In 1620, a boat with more than one hundred people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World to what is now the state of Massachusetts. Their first winter was very difficult and without fresh food, half the colony died. The Native Americans showed them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists, they showed them how to hunt and fish. In the autumn 1621 beans and pumpkins were picked up. The colonists had much to be thankful for. They invited the local Indians to a Thanksgiving dinner. After the United States became an independent country, congress introduced one day of Thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate. It’s observed on the forth Thursday of November.

  1. How did the holiday of Thanksgiving Day start in the USA?
  2. In what year a boat with more than one hundred people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean?
  3. Their first winter was very difficult, isn’t it?
  4. What did the Native Americans show them?
  5. Whom do they invite to a Thanksgiving Dinner?
  6. When does Americans like to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

       Прослушайте запись аудио гида по Майами в США. Послушайте гида и ответьте на вопросы.

       Welcome to this audio guide tour of Miami. If you want to stop the commentary at any time, press ‘Pause’ and when you are ready to continue press ‘Go’.  Miami in the 1880’s was not an important place. North Florida was the popular place for vacations but when the railway was extended to Miami in 1896/ the city of Miami was started. In World War 1 a military base was established here and that increased in World War 2. In the mid 1930’s most of Miami’s famous art deco buildings were constructed. And in the 1950’s many people were attracted to Miami by gambling and the sun. After Cuba was taken over by Castro in 1959 many Cuban refugees came to live in Miami.

  1. What do you press to stop the commentary?
  2. What do you press to continue the commentary?
  3. When was the railway extended to Miami?
  4. When was a military base established in Miami?
  5. When were Miami’s Art Deco buildings built?
  6. When were people attracted by gambling and the sun?
  7. When did many Cuban refugees come to Miami?

Прослушайте интервью с Ролом, иммигрантом, который  сейчас живет в США, а до этого  он проживал в Кубе. Найдите необходимую информацию.

       Interviewer. Raul, when did you come to Miami?

       Raul. I was born here but my father came in 1980 on the Mariel boatlift.

       Interviewer. What was that?

       Raul. Fidel said that if we didn’t want to stay in Cuba, we should leave.  So we did. A hundred and fifty thousand people.

       Interviewer. Was your father sorry to leave?

       Raul. Of course he was. But if he hadn’t left, he would have been poor. And if he hadn’t left, he might have been put in jail.

       Interviewer. And what about you? Do you want to visit Cuba?

       Raul. Absolutely. I still have family there. I’ve never seen them. If I hadn’t come here, I probably wouldn’t have gone to college. And I wouldn’t have had the nice place to live. Wouldn’t have had all opportunities I have in America. So if I had the choice, I’d want to live in America. 

  1. What year was the Mariel boatlift?
  2. How many people went from Cuba to the US?
  3. Why was Raul’s father happy to leave?
  4. Does Raul want to visit Cuba? Why?
  5. What does Raul think he couldn’t have done if he’d stayed in Cuba?

    Прослушайте текст об американском учителе английского  языка Роберто Ладо. Ответьте на вопросы.

       Roberto Lado was born in Miami in 1915. He was the son of Spanish immigrants. Before he could learn English they returned to Spain. But when he was twenty – one they returned to Miami. Roberto Lado thought he was lucky. If he’d remained in Spain, he might have been killed in the Spanish Civil War. In 1936 Roberto Lado learned English in America as an adult. He understood the difficulties of being an immigrant. He got his BA in Florida, his Masters in Texas and his doctorate in Michigan. In Michigan, with Charles Fries, Robert Lado pioneered a new system for learning and practicing English. We still use it today.  Robert Lado became Dean of the Georgetown University School of languages in Washington DC. He died in 1995. He was the father of ten children and godfather to more than twenty grandchildren.

  1. Where and when was Robert Lado born?
  2. Where was he brought up?
  3. How old was he when he went back to Florida?
  4. What might have happened if he’d stayed in Spain?
  5. Where did Robert Lado learn English?
  6. What was his achievement in English language teaching?

    Приложение  №6

       Цель: Создать условия для формирования навыка устной речи, а также формирования навыка аудирования через упражнения, находящиеся в учебнике и являющиеся основным материалом для работы на уроке, а также через тексты, которые будут предоставлены для прослушивания, и для дальнейшей работы по данным текстам;


       Образовательная: Формирование знаний у учащихся о развитии спорта, т.е. с каких времен появился тот или иной вид спорта;

       Развивающая: Развитие навыка устной речи и развития навыка аудирования;

        Воспитательная: Воспитывать уважительное отношение учащихся к различным видам спорта;

       Практическая: Учащиеся выполняют ряд заданий, которые направлены на успешное достижение цели; 

       Прослушайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящий ответ.

       Text messaging on mobile phones has become one of the most successful activities of all time, but a few years ago no one knew about it. Last year over fifteen billion messages were sent between mobiles. Some of these messages were about services, sports information and facts, but most were personal messages. Texting is particularly popular with school students, and teachers often complain that lessons are interrupted by the beeping of mobiles receiving text messages. Text messaging has become the new way to communicate, and it has developed its own new language. If you have a mobile, but you can’t send a text message, this is the time to learn. It is the simplest of all information – age techniques to learn. The language that you read and write may change. For example, the word ‘before’ in English becomes ‘b4’, ‘you’  become ‘u’. Is this a new change to the English language?

    1. The number of text messages last year was
    1. Over 15 million
    1. 5 billion
    2. 50 million
    3. Over 15 billion
    1. Most messages were
    1. Personal messages
    1. Information
    2. Poems
    3. Sports news
    1. In the author’s opinion
    1. Text messaging is easy
    1. Text messaging is difficult
    2. Text messaging is the easiest of all information technology
    3. Text messaging is the most difficult information technology
    1. In the author’s opinion, text messaging
  1. Will change the way we speak English
  1. May change the way we speak English
  2. May change the way we write English
  3. Will change the way we speak English

Прослушайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящий ответ. 

       ‘Top of the Pops’ is the UK’s longest running pop music show. Keith Richards of the ‘Rolling Stones’ who played on the first show in 1964 said in a recent interview that “The real fun of ‘Top of the Pops’ was not doing the show. It was backstage that was really funny”.

       It is hard to imagine today, but real dramas did take place backstage. For many years at the BBC every production of ‘Top of the Pops’  represented a conflict between the men of the Establishment and the young rock’n’ rollers.

       “We often used to get chased down the corridors by BBC staff telling us off for our bad behaviour”, says Suggs, who is the lead singer of the Eighties band ‘Madness’.

       In 1971 The Who were invited to perform on the 500th edition of the show, and – typical of their live act at the time – they ended their performance by smashing up their guitars and drum kit. BBC bosses considered the instrument smashing too violent for family viewing, and the song was faded out before Keith Moon and Pete Townsend really got started. Moon was later banned from the BBC for ‘unpredictable behaviour’.

       These days there are strict guidelines for behaviour on the show, including what body parts and which activities can and cannot be referred to. And record companies and artists are usually happy to record a ‘clean’  version of their hit song. Although over 250 people complained about Robbie Williams who dropped his trousers on the show in 2000.

       As the division between the old and the young continues, we can look forward to another 40 years of ‘Top of the Pops’ style rebellion for all the family! 

  1. The author says that ‘Top of the Pops’ started in
  1. 1954.
  1. 1964.
  2. 1971.
  3. 1974.
  1. The author says that ‘Top of the Pops’ has always been produced by
  1. Young rock’n’ rollers.
  1. Old people.
  2. The BBC.
  3. The Establishment.
  1. The author says that
  1. Keith Moon was banned from the BBC.
  1. Pete Townsend was banned from the BBC.
  2. Robbie Williams was banned from the BBC.
  3. The band ‘Madness’ was banned from the BBC.
  1. The author says that ‘Top of the Pops’ is for
  1. Family viewing.
  1. Young people.
  2. Older people.
  3. School children.

Прослушайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящий ответ.

     William Henry Gates 3 was born in Seattle, Washington in 1955. He was a clever boy and he went to Harvard University in 1975. While he was at Harvard he was already developing computer software with his friend Paul Allen. While they were at Harvard they developed the BASIC programming language for the MITS Altair. Altair was the first personal computer.

     Bill Gates’ vision was of ‘a computer on every desk and in every home’ and in 1977 he dropped out of Harvard to develop programming languages for personal computers. His first programming language was MS DOS for the IBM personal computer in 1981.

     After that Microsoft developed the Windows operating system for personal computers and by 1997 Bill Gates was personally the richest man in the world. 

  1. When he was young, Bill Gates
  1. Was clever.
  1. Was rich.
  2. Was hungry.
  3. Was not very clever.
  1.  He dropped out of university because
  1. He was lazy.
  1. He was stupid.
  2. He was working on computer programming languages.
  3. He failed his exams.
  1. After developing MS DOS Bill Gates
  1. Founded Microsoft.
  1. Developed Windows.
  2. Joined IBM.
  3. Left Harvard University.
  1. It was… that started Bill Gates’ career
  1. The BASIC programming language.
  1. MS DOS.
  2. Windows.
  3. The vision of a computer in every home.

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