Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Journal des voyages

13 Марта 2013, творческая работа

Aujourd'hui est le premier jour de mes vacances. J'ai décidé d'aller en France à Strasbourg. J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de cette ville et ont longtemps voulu le voir.Strasbourg est une ville située dans l'est de la France, sur la rive gauche du Rhin. C'est le chef-lieu de la région Alsace et du département du Bas-Rhin.
Ses habitants sont appelés les Strasbourgeois. Après mon arrivée à Strasbourg Aéroport international, je suis immédiatement allé à l'hôtel Maison Rouge. Il est très agréable et confortable. J'étais très fatigué après le vol. Tout ce que je veux maintenant, c'est un bon dîner dans un restaurant à proximité. Garcon dit que le restaurant Louis XII est très bien. Le promener le soir Strasbourg me fera du bien. Demain, ce sera une nouvelle aventure et un grand nombre de voyages

Juristische Berufe

12 Сентября 2013, контрольная работа

Das Bild des Juristen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wird bestimmt durch die Idee des Einheitsjuristen. Der Jurist soll in der Lage sein, nach angemessener Einarbeitung in Besonderheiten einzelner Gebiete grundsatzlich alle Bereiche des Rechts kompetent zu bearbeiten unёd damit alle juristischen Berufe auszufullen. Die juristische Ausbildung soll deshalb vor allem die juristische Methode vermitteln, nicht in erster Linie Einzelwissen. Das Studium der Rechtswissenschaft wird in juristischen Fakultaten der Universitaten absolviert. Dieses Universitatsstudium dauert etwa acht Semester, also vier Jahre, eine Obergrenze besteht nicht. Es endet mit einem Staatsexamen, dem Referendarexamen, das von den Landesjustizministerien unter Mitwirkung von Professoren und Praktikern abgenommen wird. Daran schliesst sich eine zweijahrige praktische Ausbildung an, das Referendariat.

Kazakhstan Hospitality

26 Февраля 2012, реферат

The Kazakh people have a long tradition of peace, tolerance and co-existence. Children learn hospitality and respect from a very young age, and this is reflected in the wonderful hospitality offered to all guests and travelers. If you visit a Kazakh household - whether or not you are expected - those present will stand up in greeting as you enter the door.

Kazakhstan is my homeland

07 Ноября 2011, реферат

текст про Казахстан на английском языке

Key Facts

21 Декабря 2010, реферат

The end of the Cold War led to renewed questioning of the US global role and in particular its

involvement in peacekeeping and humanitarian interventions (Somalia, Rwanda, Kosovo) and in

nation building. However, there was little real national debate on foreign policy interests and


Kunst und Menschenbild im sowjetischen Sozialismus

29 Июля 2013, творческая работа

Die offizielle sowjetische, bildende Kunst umfasst den Zeitraum von 1917-1991 Jahren und wird durch eine sehr große Rolle der Ideologie in seiner Entwicklung charakterisiert . Parallel entwickelte sich seit den 1950er Jahren, die informelle Kunst in der Sowjetunion.

La libération de la France en 1944

25 Января 2011, реферат

La libération de la France, en 1944, signifie aussi la disparition du régime de Vichy. La majorité des français ne souhaite pas le retour à la IIIème République ; régime associé à la défaite de 1940.

La musique

27 Февраля 2013, творческая работа

La musique occupe une place importante dans notre vie quotidienne. L'observation de cette activité et de ses analogies avec le sport, dans sa double dimension de pratique et de spectacle, nous informe sur notre manière d'être et sur les valeurs sociales, morales ou esthétiques qui guident notre existence.
La musique varie d'une société à une autre. Objet de communication, elle est produite selon des règles et un environnem

Language and Means of Persuasion

06 Ноября 2011, курсовая работа

With the development of the technology and the massive diversity of the mass media, advertising influences the daily life of every person. Whatever the forms advertising takes, language is the main carrier of the message. Advertising language is very different from common language. It is a style of immediate impact and quick persuasion. It has its own features in morphology, syntax, and rhetorical devices. For a rhetorical device appeals to the imagination and makes the speech or writing interesting and appealing, advertisers often use various rhetorical devices to persuade the readers to buy different products.

Language Roles and Model Tour Company in Enhancing Competitiveness in Tourism Industry

17 Мая 2012, реферат

The paper examines the roles and the importance of language to the model tour company, investigates the guidelines and the process in organising the model tour company and studies problems and solutions in managing the model tour company so as to increase competitiveness for the tourism industry. The results of the paper highlights the positive view on managing the model tour company, emphasises the language role, particularly for communication. Language increases the possibility in working and competition for the model tour company. It also creates the first consciousness for tourism industry. Managing the model tour company, tourism educational institutions need to provide enough foreign language skills training for students. The paper suggests that educational institutions and related organisations should assist to improve the quality of human resources for tourism industry.

Latvijā sociālā darba vēsturē

27 Июня 2011, реферат

Latvijā sociālā darba vēsturē pastāv četri sociālā darba attīstības posmi:

Sociālā darba aizsākumi Latvijas teritorijā kopš 13. līdz 19.gd.;
Labklājības sistēma Latvijā 20.-30. gados;
Sociālās palīdzības sistēma Latvijas PSR gados;
Sociālā darba attīstība pēc Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanas.


31 Октября 2012, сочинение

I think leadership role in the company is very important today. But there are the questions:
What should be the leader?
How does a person become a leader?
Does the company a leader?
I will try to answer these questions in my essay.

Legal system of Belarus

14 Марта 2012, реферат

The Republic of Belarus is a unitary state in Eastern Europe. It became independent after the liquidation of the USSR in 1991. The Constitution was adopted in March 15, 1994. In November 1996, the presidential variant of the new edition of the Constitution providing essential expansion of powers of the chief of state was accepted. The form of government in Belarus is the superpresidential republic. The head of state is the President of the Republic. He is elected to the office for five years.

Leisure tourism

30 Апреля 2011, доклад

Leisure tourism is also called pleasure tourism or holiday tourism/It is tupe of tourism travel when a person goes on holiday and does not travel on buissnes.

Lexical meaning and semantic sructure of eng.words

09 Мая 2012, реферат

Semasiology (from Gr. semasia - "signification") deals not with every kind of linguistic meaning only. This does not mean that we need not pay attention to the grammatical meaning. On the contrary, grammatical meaning must be taken into consideration in so far as it bears a specific influence upon lexical meaning. The main objects of semasiological study are as follows: semantic development of words, its causes and classification, relevant distinctive features and types of lexical meaning, polysemy and semantic structure of word, semantic groupings and connections in the vocabulary system, i.e. synonyms, antonyms, etc.

Limitation of actions

21 Декабря 2011, реферат

The rules on limitation of actions are laid down in the Limitation Act 1980, as amended, in particular, by the Latent Damage Act 1986. The rules provide a series of different periods in respect of different causes of action. They must also be read in conjunction with a number of specific statutes, which lay down shorter periods, in particular, those for claims arising out of international trade or travel.

Linguistic aspects of black english

27 Апреля 2013, курсовая работа

The aim of this work is to research the linguistic aspects of Black English language.
Objectives of the paper are:
- to analyze the origin of Black English.
- to analyze the development of Pidgin and Creole.
- to consider differences between Black English, Standard English,

Littérature française du XVIIe siècle

08 Октября 2011, доклад

La littérature française du XVIIe siècle est liée aux évolutions politiques, intellectuelles et artistiques qui se font entre 1598 - promulgation de l’édit de Nantes d’Henri IV qui met fin aux guerres de religions du XVIe siècle -, et 1715, date de la mort de Louis XIV, le Roi-Soleil qui a imposé la monarchie absolue au royaume.


23 Декабря 2010, творческая работа

презентация на английском.


27 Июня 2011, реферат

London is one of the largest cities in the world. More then 10mln people live in London and its suburbs. London is a city of striking contrasts. Here one can come across the past and the present, the old and the modern, live side by side in mutual tolerance and respect.


01 Декабря 2011, реферат

London - the capital of Great Britain is situated on the Thames River. It is the largest city in Europe with a population of eight and a quarter million. The city is very old, it's more than 20 centuries. The capital of the country is the important financial centre and one of the largest ports of the world. It is divided into four parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.


23 Января 2012, контрольная работа


11 Марта 2012, реферат

London is the capital of Great Britain. The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is an ancient city. It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. They found a small Celtic settlement then known as Londinium and by A. D. 300 they had turned it into a sizeable port and an important trading centre.


28 Марта 2012, лекция

"Lukoil" má 281společností, 125 se vztahuje k segmentu podnikání, zbývající části se zabývají službami, finanční a bankovní činností, atd.. 81 společností je v zahraničí, napřiklad jednotky jako LUKOIL Invest Rakousko AG, LUKOIL Nizozemsko BV.
Na konferenci investorů v New Yorku 18. října, "Lukoil" oznámil svou novou strategii. Cíle, které se v deseti letech chystá jsou impozantní. Lukoil očekává nárust aktiva ze současných 66 miliard až na 200 miliard dolarů, částka ropy - z 90 milionů až 200 milionů tun a 112 miliard dolarů bude vynaloženo na investice.

Managerial skills

24 Декабря 2010, курсовая работа

Almost everything is in flux, from our technology and methods of transacting business to the nature of education and the definition of the family.
Despite all this change in our environment, there is something that has remained, and continues to remain, relatively constant. With minor variations and stylistic differences, what has not changed, in several thousand years, are the basic skills that lie at the heart of effective, satisfying, growth-producing human relationships.

Mass media

22 Ноября 2011, сочинение

Mass media (that is, the press, the radio and television) play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media mould public opinion.

Maxillofacial trauma

12 Марта 2012, реферат

maxillofacial trauma also called Facial trauma, is any physical trauma to the face. Facial trauma can involve soft tissue injuries such as burns, lacerations and bruises, or fractures of the facial bones such as nasal fractures and fractures of the jaw, as well as trauma such as eye injuries. Symptoms are specific to the type of injury; for example, fractures may involve pain, swelling, loss of function, or changes in the shape of facial structures.

Medical tourism

03 Марта 2013, реферат

Services typically sought by travelers include elective procedures as well as complex specialized surgeries such as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac surgery, dental surgery, and cosmetic surgeries. Individuals with rare genetic disorders may travel to another country where treatment of these conditions is better understood. However, virtually every type of health care, including psychiatry, alternative treatments, convalescent care and even burial services are available.
Over 50 countries have identified medical tourism as a national industry. However, accreditation and other measures of quality vary widely across the globe, and some destinations may become hazardous or even dangerous for medical tourists.

Medieval English

18 Февраля 2013, курсовая работа

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, Old English was a language that had a typically Germanic grammar and vocabulary. During the Middle Ages, the most important thing that happened to the English language was a set of changes, mostly to the vocabulary, resulting from the Norman Conquest, and causing the incorporation of words from French. The English Language subsequently became recognizable as such to modern readers with the Middle English of Geoffrey Chaucer.

Mein Studium an der Universität

12 Марта 2012, реферат

Nun bin ich Student. Die Aufnahmeprüfungen waren in der Mathematik, nach dem Russischen und in Physik. Ich studiere an der Nationale Politechnische Forschungsuniversität. Ich stehe im ersten studierjahr. Ich wurde am 5-ten August immatkuliert. Noch interessierte in der Schule mich die elektrotechnische Fakultät. Ich habe die elektrotechnische Fakultät gewählt. Mir gefällt lernt an der Universität. Mir hier lernt schwierig.