Қазақстанда оқушыларға этномәдени білім беру эволюциясы

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Февраля 2013 в 09:14, автореферат


Зерттеу нысаны: оқушыларға этномәдени білім беру.
Зерттеу пәні: Қазақстанда оқушыларға этномәдени білім беру эволюциясы.
Зерттеудің ғылыми болжамы: егер Қазақстанда оқушыларға этномәдени білім берудің қалыптасу және даму тарихы жүйеленіп, оның ғылыми-педагогикалық негіздері зерттелсе, онда этномәдени білім беру теориясы мен практикасын жетілдіруге байланысты жаңа педагогикалық идеяларды одан әрі дамытуға мүмкіндік болады, өйткені, этномәдени білім берудің даму тенденциялары, ерекшеліктері, динамикасы анықталады және перспективасы болжанады.

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Methodological basis for the research were: the general theory of cognition, the conceptual dialectic of the leading role of socio-economic factors in the development of pedagogical ideas and the formation of cultural and educational space, the relationship of subjective and objective in the development of pedagogical processes and phenomena, philosophical, ethnological, historical, sociological, social, educational, cultural, and psychological concepts.

The methods of research:

- philosophy: the dialectical method, induction and deduction;

- methods of historical analysis: the historical-philosophical, historical, genetic, historical, systemic, cultural studies, comparative comparative, retrospective;

- methods of teaching comparative studies: systematic and structural, systematic and analytical, research and analysis of scientific literature, archival materials, predict the results.

The results of work:

1 An analysis of theoretical and methodological foundations and concepts of the new direction of pedagogical science - ethno-cultural education students is enriched with its historical and content side. Represented conceptually categorization of ethno-cultural education in modern educational theory and practice.

2 Defined genesis of ideas of ethnic and cultural education in Kazakhstan.

3 Defined historical and educational background of ethno-cultural education in Kazakhstan.

4 Revealed the evolution of the conceptual basis of ethnic and cultural education in Kazakhstan, defining its main stages.

5 Revealed the main tendencies of development of ethno-cultural education in Kazakhstan.

6 Revealed the features and dynamics of the practice of ethno-cultural education of school children in Kazakhstan.

7 Worked out the scientific and methodological recommendations for improving the process of ethno-cultural education in secondary schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The practical significance of the research is to develop and implement the educational process of higher education institutions in the system after HEI education in the postgraduate program-methodical complex, which includes:

- Textbook " Педагогика  тарихы ";

- Textbook " Педагогика  тарихы бойынша атлас ";

- An electronic textbook " Қазақстанда  этнопедагогикалық ойлардың даму тенденциясы ";

- An electronic textbook " Алаш  арыстарының педагогикалық мұралары";

- An automated training program " Халық  даналығы";

- Textbook " Шағын комплектілі  бастауыш мектепте қазақ тілін  оқыту технологиясы";

- Textbook " Бастауыш мектепте қазақ тілін оқыту теориясы және технологиясы";

- Textbook " Халық қазынасының  тәлімдік тағылымы";

- Educational-methodical complex " Қазақстанда  оқушыларға этномәдени білім  беру тарихы".

Testing and introduction of results of research carried out during the author's participation in international scientific conferences in: Bulgaria (Sofia, 2009), Belarus (Mozyr, 2008), Russia (St. Petersburg, 2009, Saratov, 2010), Britain (London, 2009 ) Czech Republic (Prague, 2010), in Kazakhstan - in international, national, regional scientific-practical conferences (Almaty, 2000-2009; Karaganda, 2000-2009; Kokshetau, 2006-2008; Taraz 2009, Zhezkazgan, 2004-2008, Aktobe, 2010), in scientific journals Kazakhstan (Karaganda State University Bulletin: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008; Bulletin KazNPU after Abay, 2008; Ult tagғylymy, 2009; Search 2009; In the world of education, 2009; Bulletin Bolashak 2009; PSU Bulletin, 2009; Kazakhstan mektebі, 2009; Bulletin SKSU, 2009; Bastauysh Mektep: 2006, 2009; KazGJMYA Bulletin: 2005, 2009) through the issue of textbooks, electronic textbooks, faculty meetings to discuss pedagogy and methodology of primary teaching KarSU after Academician E.A. Buketov, scientific seminar on general pedagogy and professional education in KarSU after E.A. Buketov.

Recommendations for the implementation of the results of research work: theoretical results of the study provide a real opportunity to improve the theory and practice of modern pedagogy, theoretical and methodological analysis of problems and recommendations contribute to enrich and complement the content of pedagogical disciplines developed textbooks, electronic textbooks, educational complexes elective courses promote the improvement of ethnic and cultural education of schoolchildren.

Scope of research results: the results of research can be used in the educational process in different types of secondary schools, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in the training of teachers.

The prospect of the study: implementation of the study because of its multidimensionality does not purport to be comprehensive and complete consideration of the problems studied in this paper. The prospect of further research work involves:

- with research in the field of ethnic relations;

- the need to update the content of ethno-cultural education in accordance with the doctrine of National Unity;

- the need to develop a strategic concept of "Unity of Three Languages" by forming polilanguage and multicultural identity, etc.


















































Басуға 19.10.2010 ж. қол қойылды. Пішімі 60´84 1/16. Офсеттік қағазы.  
Көлемі 2,4 ес.-б.т. Таралымы 130 дана. Тапсырыс № 508.

Е.А.Бөкетов атындағы ҚарМУ баспасының баспаханасында басылып шықты 
100012, Қарағанды қ., Гоголь к-сі, 38

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