Лексико-семантическая группа

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Марта 2012 в 19:34, курсовая работа


The theme of the current session essay is aimed at a more profound
study of one of the main aspects of Lexicology, which consists in acquiring the
meaning of words and word groups, as considered in a particular context.
Semantics is the study of meaning, and that’s really a lexicological
problem, because “one of the main features of any word is that it conveys always
one concept”

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28)                        Kettlebell lifting - bef. 900; ME ketel < ON ketill ≪ L catillus, dim. of catīnus pot; r. OE cetel, cietel ≪ L as above; cf. G Kessel;

29)                        Golf - 1425–75; late ME; of uncert. Orig;

30)                        Ski mountaineering - 1795–1805; mountaineer+ -ing;

31)                        Diving - bef. 900; ME diven to dive, dip, OE dȳfan to dip (causative of dūfan to dive, sink); c. ON dȳfa dip, G taufen to baptize; akin to dip;

32)                        Darts - 1275–1325; ME < AF, OF < Old Low Franconian; cf. OE daroth, OHG tart, ON darrathr spear, lance;

33)                        Ju-jitsu - 1870–75; < Japn jūjitsu, earlier jūjutsu, equiv. to jū soft (see judo) + -jut(u) technique < MChin, equiv. to Chin shù;

34)                        Judo - 1885–90; < Japn jūdō < MChin, equiv. to Chin róu soft + dào way;

35)                        Mushing - 1895–1900; perh. orig. as phrasal v. mush on! < CanF, F marchons! let's go!;

36)                        Kitesurfing – 1800s, English;

37)                        Karate - 1950–55; < Japn, equiv. to kara empty + te (earlier *tai) hand(s);

38)                        Carting - bef. 900; ME cart(e), OE cræt (by metathesis); c. ON kartr cart;

39)                        Kayaking - 1757, from Dan. kajak, from Greenland Eskimo qayaq, lit. "small boat of skins";

40)                        Curling - 1610–20; perh. curl + -ing, from the motion imparted to the sliding stones;

41)                        Kickboxing – 1960-70s, Japan;

42)                        Horseracing – 1665, England;

43)                        Speedskating - 1880–85;

44)                        Cricket - 1590–1600; < MF criquet goal post, perh. < early D krick(e) arm, crosspiece, gallows;

45)                        Croquet - 1700–10; < F, equiv. to croqu(er) to crunch (OF crokier to break, of expressive orig.) + -ette;

46)                        Athletics - 1595–1605; see athletic, -ics;

47)                        Cross-country skiing - 1930–35;

48)                        Mountain bike - 1985–90;

49)                        Mountainboarding – 1970-75;

50)                        Motorcycling - 1890–95, Americanism; motor + cycle

















2.2 Семантический анализ


1.                               Aikido - a Japanese form of self-defense utilizing wrist, joint, and elbow grips to immobilize or throw one's opponent;

2.                               Acrobatics - the art or practice of acrobatic feats;

3.                               Alpinism - mountain climbing, esp. in the Alps;

4.                               Armwrestling - a form of wrestling in which two opponents, usually facing each other across a table, rest their right or left elbows on the table and, placing their corresponding forearms upward and parallel, grip each other's hand, the object being to force the opponent's hand down so that it touches the table;

5.                               Aerobics - any of various sustained exercises, as jogging, rowing, swimming, or cycling, that stimulate and strengthen the heart and lungs, thereby improving the body's utilization of oxygen;

6.                               Badminton - a game played on a rectangular court by two players or two pairs of players equipped with light rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a high net that divides the court in half;

7.                               Basketball - a game played by two teams of usually five players each on a rectangular court having a raised basket or goal at each end, points being scored by tossing the ball through the opponent's basket;

8.                               Base-ball - a game of ball between two nine-player teams played usually for nine innings on a field that has as a focal point a diamond-shaped infield with a home plate and three other bases, 90 ft. (27 m) apart, forming a circuit that must be completed by a base runner in order to score, the central offensive action entailing hitting of a pitched ball with a wooden or metal bat and running of the bases, the winner being the team scoring the most runs;

9.                               Biathlon - a contest in which cross-country skiers, carrying rifles, shoot at targets at four stops along a 12.5-mi. (20 km) course;

10.                           Billiards - any of several games played with hard balls of ivory or of a similar material that are driven with a cue on a cloth-covered table enclosed by a raised rim of rubber, esp. a game played with a cue ball and two object balls on a table without pockets;

11.                           Bobsleigh - a sled having two pairs of runners, a brake, and a steering wheel or other mechanism that enables the front rider to direct the sled down a steeply banked run or chute;

12.                           Bodybuilding - the act or practice of exercising, lifting weights, etc., so as to develop the muscles of the body;

13.                           Boxing – a kind of fight where two people beat each other with arms;

14.                           Catch-style - to capture or seize, especially after a chase;

15.                           Greco-Roman wrestling - a style of wrestling where the wrestlers are forbidden to tackle or trip or use holds below the waist;

16.                           Bowling - any of several games in which players standing at one end of an alley or green roll balls at standing objects or toward a mark at the other end, esp. a game in which a heavy ball is rolled from one end of a wooden alley at wooden pins set up at the opposite end;

17.                           Bridge - card game derived from whist, played with 52 cards by four players in two partnerships;

18.                           Wakeboard - is a surface water sport which involves riding a wakeboard over the surface of a body of water behind a boat. It was developed from a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and surfing techniques.;

19.                           Bicycling - is the use of bicycles, or - less commonly - unicycles, tricycles, quadricycles and other similar wheeled human powered vehicles (HPVs) as a means of transport, a form of recreation or a sport;

20.                           Windsurfing - a form of sailing in which a flexible sail, free to move in any direction, is mounted on a surfboard and the craft guided by the standing rider;

21.                           BMX - a bicycle race over a rough cross-country course, usually consisting of jumps, obstacles, and turns;

22.                           Water polo - an aquatic game played by two teams of seven swimmers each, the object being to score goals by pushing, carrying, or passing an inflated ball and tossing it into the opponent's goal, defended by a goalkeeper;

23.                           Water-skiing - to plane over water on water skis or a water ski by grasping a towing rope pulled by a speedboat;

24.                           Aeronautics - the science or art of flight;

25.                           Volleyball - a game for two teams in which the object is to keep a large ball in motion, from side to side over a high net, by striking it with the hands before it touches the ground;

26.                           Handball - a game, similar to squash, played by two or four persons who strike a small ball against a wall or walls with the hand;

27.                           Gymnastics - the practice art, or competitive sport of gymnastic exercises;

28.                           Kettlebell lifting - is a traditional Russian castiron weight looking somewhat like a cannonball with a handle;

29.                           Golf - a game in which clubs with wooden or metal heads are used to hit a small, white ball into a number of holes, usually 9 or 18, in succession, situated at various distances over a course having natural or artificial obstacles, the object being to get the ball into each hole in as few strokes as possible;

30.                           Ski mountaineering - is a sport that combines the techniques of skiing (often ski touring) with those of mountaineering. The goal of the ski mountaineer may be to climb a beautiful mountain by a worthy route and then ski the mountain down an elegant line, preferably from the summit;

31.                           Diving - a jump or plunge into water, esp. in a prescribed way from a diving board;

32.                           Darts - a game in which darts are thrown at a target usually marked with concentric circles divided into segments and with a bull's-eye in the center;

33.                           Ju-jitsu - a method developed in Japan of defending oneself without the use of weapons by using the strength and weight of an adversary to disable him;

34.                           Judo - a method of defending oneself or fighting without the use of weapons, based on jujitsu but differing from it in banning dangerous throws and blows and stressing the athletic or sport element;

35.                           Mushing - to drive or spur on (sled dogs or a sled drawn by dogs);

36.                           Kitesurfing - the sport of riding a modified surfboard that is attached to a large kite;

37.                           Karate - a method developed in Japan of defending oneself without the use of weapons by striking sensitive areas on an attacker's body with the hands, elbows, knees, or feet;

38.                           Carting - a heavy two-wheeled vehicle, commonly without springs, drawn by mules, oxen, or the like, used for the conveyance of heavy goods;

39.                           Kayaking - an Eskimo canoe with a skin cover on a light framework, made watertight by flexible closure around the waist of the occupant and propelled with a double-bladed paddle;

40.                           Curling - a game played on ice in which two teams of four players each compete in sliding large stones toward a mark in the center of a circle;

41.                           Kickboxing - A martial art and sport of attack and defense, in which competitors wear boxing gloves and throw punches as in boxing and kick with their bare feet as in karate;

42.                           Horseracing - A contest in which horses ridden by jockeys are raced against each other;

43.                           Speedskating - ice skating as a form of racing, usually on an oval course and against other competitors or the clock;

44.                           Cricket - a game, popular esp. in England, for two teams of 11 members each that is played on a field having two wickets 22 yards (20 m) apart, the object being to score runs by batting the ball far enough so that one is enabled to exchange wickets with the batsman defending the opposite wicket before the ball is recovered;

45.                           Croquet - a game played by knocking wooden balls through metal wickets with mallets;

46.                           Athletics - the practice of athletic exercises; the principles of athletic training;

47.                           Cross-country skiing - the sport of skiing across the countryside, often through woods and usually on relatively flat terrain, using narrow skis with boots that can be raised off the ski at the heel when striding;

48.                           Mountain bike - a bicycle designed for off-road use, typically having a smaller and sturdier frame and smaller and wider tires than a standard bicycle;

49.                           Mountainboarding - a type of extreme sport using a skateboard-like board to descend mountain terrain; a combination of snowboarding, skateboarding, and mountain biking;

50.                           Motorcycling - a motor vehicle similar to a bicycle but usually larger and heavier, chiefly for one rider but sometimes having two saddles or an attached sidecar for passengers















Проведенное в данной работе исследование позволило нам получить полную информацию о сущности лексики, также о понятии лексикосемантического поля и лексикосемантической группы. Мы рассмотрели, в чем заключается различие между понятиями лексикосемантического поля и ЛСГ.  этимологии слов, обозначающих виды спорта, а также углубиться в их семантическое значение. Более того,




























Список используемой литературы


Виноградов В.В. Русский язык (Грамматическое учение о слове): Учеб. пособие для вузов / Отв. ред. Г.А. Золотова. – 3-е изд., испр. – М.: Высш. Шк., 1986. - с 351.

Шмелев Д.Н. Проблемы семантического анализа лексики. М., 1973, с.73.

Медникова Э. М. Значение слова и методы его описания. М., 1970.

Бережан С.Г. Семантическая эквивалентность лексических единиц. Кишенев, 1973.

Апресян Ю.Д. Лексическая семантика: Синонимические средства языка. М., 1974.

Фомина М.И. Современный русский язык. Лексикология: Учеб. для филол. спец. вузов. – 3 изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Высш. шк; 1990. – 415 с.





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