Среднеанглийские письменные памятники

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Февраля 2012 в 20:11, курсовая работа


This division is based on events of external history of England: the middle of XI century - the Norman gain of the England which has completed development of feudalism; in XV century - war of the Scarlet and White rose, disintegration of the feudal state, transition to absolute monarchy, development of bourgeoisie» [1,23]. But all these moments having vital importance for history of the country, cannot be solving in definition of stages of development of language.

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701: But with thise relikes, whan that he fond

702: A povre person dwellynge upon lond,

703: Upon a day he gat hym moore moneye

704: Than that the person gat in monthes tweye…

701: Но с этими  мощами встреть он

702: Бедняка-крестьянина  --

703: Он  за день больше денег стрясет,

704: Чем  тот бедняк за месяц добудет…);

51: At Alisanundre he was whan it was wonne.

52: Ful ofte tyme he hadde the bord bigonne

53: Aboven alle nacions in Pruce;

54: In Lettow hadde he reysed and in Ruce,

55: No Cristen man so ofte of his degree.

56: In Gernarde at the seege eek hadde he be

57: Of Aldezir, and riden in Belmarye.

58: In Lyeys was he and at Satalye,

59: Whan they were wonne; and in the Grete see

60: At many a noble armee hadde he be.

61: At moral batailles hadde he been fiftene,

62: And foughten for our feith at Tramyseene

63: In lystes thties, and ay slayn his foo.

64: This ilke worthy knyght hadde been also

65: Sometyme with the lord of Palatye

66: Agayn another hethen in Turkye.

51: Александрию  он осаждал.

52: И  часто восседал он 

53: На  пирах в Пруссии;

54: На  Литву ходил он, и на Россию,

55: Нет  человека превосходящего его.

56: В  Андалузии осаждал он 

57: Альдезир, и ездил в Бальмари.

58: Под  Лайасом он был и под Саталией,

59: Когда  их взяли, и на Великом море

60: Во  многих знатных армиях он был.

61: В  пятнадцати смертельных битвах  бился, 62: За нашу веру сражался  при Тремиссене,

63: И  в Листосе -- трижды, и насмерть  бил врагов

64: Достойный  этот рыцарь бывал, случалось,

65: С  лордом Палатии,

66 В  походах на Турцию


   From all pilgrims Chauser compares to animals only the Seller of indulgences, in this plan it differs from others:

684: Swiche glarynge eyen hadde he as an hare.

688: A voys he hadde as smal as hath a goot.

691: I trowe he were a geldyng or a mare.

684: Глаза по  заячьи блестели.

688: А  голос тонкий был, как у козла.

691: Казалось, мерин он или кобыла

    Let's lead the analysis consonant and sonorant structure of two fragments representing a portrait of the Knight and the Seller of indulgences. Investigating a phonetic level of two fragments we have drawn some conclusions:


43: [ kniht r waz and at wor i man

44: at fro tim at he first bigan

45: t riden u:t he lovd ivalri

46: tru: honu:r fredom and kurtazi

47: ful wor i was he in hiz lords wer

48: and rto had he red no man fer

49: az wel in kristendom az in he nes

50: and evri honu:rd for hiz wor in s

51: at alisaundr he waz wan it waz won

52: ful oft tim he had bord bigon

53: aboven al nasions in prus

54: in letou had he raizd and in rus

55: no krist n man so oft of hiz degre:

56: in gernad at se:d e:k had he be

57: of al ezir and rid n in belmari

58: ljeis waz he and at satali

59: wan ej wer won and in gret se:

60: at mani nobl arme: had he be

61: at mortal batail had ne be:n fiften

62: and fu:ht n for fai at tramis n

63: in list s ri s and ai slain his fo:]



669: [wi him er ro:d a d entil pardoner

670: of ru:nsival his fre:d and his kompe:r

671: at straiht was kom n fro ku:rt of Rom

672: ful lu:d he so:ng kom hider lov t me

673: is samonu:r bar so him stif burdu:n

674: waz never tromp of half so gret su:n

675: is pardoner had he:r az jelou az weks

676: but smo it he:ng az do: strik of fleks

677: bi u:nses heng it his loks at he had

678: and erwi he his ullders oversprad

679: but in it lai bi kolpons o:n and o:n

680: but ho:d for olite: werd he no:n

681: for it was trust up in hiz wal t

682: him u:ht he ro:d al of new et

683: dis v le: sav his kap he ro:d bar

684: Swit glaring ajn had ha az n har

685: vernikl had he soud upon his kap

686: hiswal t lai biforn hym in his lap

687: bretful of pardu:n komen from rom al ho:t

688: vojs he had as amal as ha go:t

689: no berd had he ne never old hav]

    The analysis of a phonetic level has shown, that in a fragment where the portrait of the Seller of indulgences is presented, long vowels ([u prevail:], [e:], [o:]) while in a fragment «the Portrait of the Knight» long vowels practically are not present, but the consonant  structure differs a lot of combinations [rth], [fr], [tr], [rt], and so on (basically a combination « r+consonant sound» or « a consonant +r»). In comparison with a fragment from «the Portrait of the Seller of indulgences» the phonemic structure assumes abrupt, sharp sounding, it depends in the first fragment, in « the Portrait of the Seller of indulgences», sounding more evfonichny. Thus, it is possible to be convinced that in an image of the Knight the impression about courage of the hero is supported, despite of some lacks of an image. In an image of the Seller, on the contrary, feature of feminity in every possible way is emphasized and is one of key characteristics of the Seller.   


    Right at the beginning of research, we shall consider the phonemic level of the story, namely - the introduction. Below it is presented the phonemic analysis shock and unaccented vowels:

   463: i-au- -i-o-a-o-a-i

   464: -o- -o-a-au-e- -o-i

   465: a-i-a-a-i-a-a-e

   466: e-a-i-a-u-a-i-e

   467: e-au-e- -a-e:-o-ai-a-i

   468: a-e- -a-o-a-i- -o-e-i-i

   469: u-i-e-o:- -e- -a-i-i

   470: i-i-a-e- -e-i-u-i

   471: i-u- -ui-e-a-o-i-a

   472: i-o- -e:-o-e-a-o-a-a

   473: a -i-i-i-i-o- -e:-e-e-

   474: u:-i-o-o-i-e-o-e-

   475: e-u:-a-e- -i-o-i-u:

   476: a-e-o-e-a-o- -i- -u:

   Analyzing the phonemic structure of vowels, it is easy to see, that introductory lines of the story (first two) the most harmonious, practically melodic,  owing to the open vowels. Further opened front vowels are replaced closed front vowels .

  The consonant structure also reflects some changes in a tonality of a narration:

   463: n fl…ndr w…l…m w…z k…mp…n

  464: f j…ng f…lk …t h…nt…d…n f…l

   465: z r…t h…z…rd st…z nd t…v…rns

   466: w…r s w… h…rps l…ts nd g…t…rns

   467: …j d…ns nd pl…n at d…z b… d…j nd n…ht

   468: nd t…n ls nd dr…nk…n v…r h…r m…ht

   469: r…h w..ch …j d…n th d…v…l s…kr…f…z

   470: w… …n …t d…v…l…z t…mpl n k…rzd w…z

   471: b s…p…rfl…t bh…m…n…bl

   472: h…r …s b…n s gr…t nd s d…mpn…bl

   473: …t t z gr…zl f…r t h…r h…m sw…r

   474: r bl…st l…rd…s b…d …j t…t…r

   475: h…m …ht …t j…ws r…nt h…m n…ht n…h

   476: nd ch f h…m t …rs s…n l…h

  Alliteration communicate phonetic and semantic the first introductory lines of the story, and are opposed with the next lines, describing  a life of  lotharios. In first two lines repeat fl, fk, dominate sonorant sounds. The next lines quality of phonetic structure - combinations of consonants r, s, z, t do lines by the extremely dissonant in comparison with evfonic in the first lines. Strengthening effect of «disharmony», a line 465-467 «are loaded» by consonants, concentration consonants increases, the quantity of deaf explosive consonants increases. As a whole, sounding becomes dissonant, strained. The story-teller represents the heroes in the most unseemly light and uses all means for strengthening repellent impression.

   The greatest interest attitudes of lexical parallelism between some words which are established by the author appeal.

  Chauser often enough uses lexical parallelisms as its storyteller in the reasoning on human defects is very emotional, and his speech is colourful [16,114]. Attitudes of lexical parallelism are established by means of different external attributes. Most often parallelism constructed on a rhyme is met.  Thus, the similar parallel defines new attitudes between rhymed words and expands the word meanings caused by interference. We shall show the most interesting examples:

547: But, certes, he that haunteth swiche delices

548: Is deed, whil that he lyveth in tho vices.

547: Конечно же, тот, кто предается этому удовольствию,

548: Мертв,  пока живет он в этих пороках.

    By consideration of the story, we have lead the analysis of rate of significant lexical units in the story of the Seller of indulgences, as some words repeating in the text of product (with the certain frequency appearing) create a certain colour of product, supporting its semantic and emotional orientation, correspond to a plot of

the story and create pragmatical potential of the text[17,54]. The reader has an issued picture of the world or outlook of the story-teller. We are received following results:



God (Crist, Lord, Hooly writ)

Dronkenesse (drynk, dronke, dronken, dronkelewe, fordronke)

Manslaughtre (to sleen, homycide)


Swerying (forswerynges)

Cursednesse (curesed)


Honour (contrarie of honour, dishonour)


Riot (riotoure)



Gold (tresor)

Devel (develish)








7 (в  3-х раз: ishonour)





4 (4)


   Let's note the brightest opposition «God» - «devel» « the God - a devil» (the word «God» is the most common in the text of the story while the second on rate of the use takes last place). But it is necessary to consider, that in the prevailing majority the name of the Lord is used in damnations, oathes and blasphemies (the story-teller or itself appeals to His name, or gives of a word of the heroes)[18,69]:

651: By Goddes precious herte, and by His nayles,

652: And by the blood of Crist that is in Hayles,

653: Sevene is my chaunce, and thyn is synk and treye!

654: By Goddes armes, if thou falsly pleye,

655: This daggere shal thurghout thyn herte go!

658: Now, for the love of Crist, that for us dyde,

659: Lete youre othes, bothe grete and smale.

651: Святым Господним  сердцем и его гвоздями,

652: И  Христовой кровью, что Хайлсе,

653: Семерка  выпала мне, а тебе шесть  и три!

654: Я  дланями Господними клянусь, что  если жульничаешь ты,

655: Кинжал  в сердце ты получишь!

658: Ради  любви Хистовой, что пострадал  за нас, 

659: Оставьте  клятвы, большие и малые.

      In connection with research of rate of lexical units we also have addressed to a problem of a semantic field. Having lead analysis a semantic field of the story of the seller of indulgences, we send to a following conclusion: considering rate of the use of words: the most common are words calling defects of protagonists and societies as a whole: «dronkenesse» («пьяноство»), «hazard» («азартные игры»), « riot» (« беспорядки»), «glotonye»  (« чревоугдие»), « swerying» («божба»), «homicide»(« человекоубийство»"), these values can be reduced to one more abstract value – « vice» («порок») or « sin»(« грех»). Thus main word in the given text the word «vice» will be. The word «vice» is used in the text only two times, but it - uniting for the text and corresponds to a semantic orientation of the text. As we have noted, the word «vice» is used only two times in the text, but is it main word. The matter is that the story-teller addresses to concrete concepts of perversity [19,19], concrete examples:

589: And now that I have spoken of glotonye,

590: Now wol I yow deffenden hasardye.

629: Now wol I speke of othes false and grete

630: A word or two, as olde bookes trete.

589: Теперь, как  я вам рассказал о чревоугодстве,

590: Поведаю  вам об азарте.

629: Теперь  я о божбе скажу немного

630: Как  книги старые о том гласят.

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