The stylistic analysis of Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Июля 2011 в 18:47, курсовая работа


In modern English the word “style” is polysemous. The Oxford dictionary gives the following entry:
“Style noun (plural styles)
1. the way something is done, made, said, or written etc.
2. elegance.
3. the part of a pistil that supports the stigma in a plant.


1. Style and stylistic features…………………………………….3
2. Introduction…………………………………………………...5
3. Lexical analysis……………………………………………….7
4. Syntactic analysis……………………………………………..12
5. Form and structure……………………………………………14
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………….15
7. The list of the literature used…………………………………16

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    (b) the battle to bring the marlin in and kill it, and (c) the journey back to the harbor. The second section could be further divided into the period wherein the marlin keeps pulling the skiff further out to sea, and the period wherein the marlin begins to circle the skiff and finally is brought in and harpooned.



    The results of researching of the general scopes of the inquiry of artistic usage of linguistic resources by Hemingway proves that common point of view which says that Hemingway’s style is stable and homogeneous is absolutely wrong.

    You can still call Hemingway’s diction “laconic”, “chary of words”, and “colloquial”, but it is very important to mention the period you talk about. Early prose can be determined as:

  • Stark minimalist nature;

   ·  Grade school-like grammar;

   ·  Austere word choice;

   ·  Unvarnished descriptions;

   ·  Short, declarative sentences;

   ·  Uses language accessible to the common reader.

   But the later period as we managed to learn is more complicated from all points of view (lexical, syntactical, stylistic and structural).

   Language is the only transfer channel of the author’s world views and world perception. It was and it remains the determinant for definition and appreciation of the creative individuality of a writer. The powerful impact of Hemingway’s writing on other authors continues to this day. Writers as diverse as Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, Elmore Leonard, and Hunter S. Thompson have credited him with contributing to their styles. Direct, personal writing full of rich imagery was Hemingway’s goal. Nearly fifty years after his death, his distinctive prose is still recognizable by its economy and controlled understatement.



   The list of the literature used: 

    1. Burhans, Clinton S. The Old Man and the Sea: Hemingway’s tragic version of man. – в кн. The Modern American Novel. New York, 1966
    2. Hemingway. A collection of critical essays. Ed. by Robert P. Weeks. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1962
    3. Кашкин И. Содержание – форма - содержание
    4. Кухаренко В.А. Язык Хемингуэя. (Опыт лингвостилистического исследования языка писателя). Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора филологических наук. М, 1972
    5. Папоров Ю.Н. Хемингуэй на Кубе: очерки. М,1982
    6. Хокинс, Дж.М. The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language, М., Астрешль, 2007
    7. Эрнест Хемингуэй. Собрание сочинений, т.4. Ред. Е.Калашниковой, К. Симонова, А. Старцева, М, 1968 (Послесловие А.Старцева)

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