The stylistic analysis of Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Июля 2011 в 18:47, курсовая работа


In modern English the word “style” is polysemous. The Oxford dictionary gives the following entry:
“Style noun (plural styles)
1. the way something is done, made, said, or written etc.
2. elegance.
3. the part of a pistil that supports the stigma in a plant.


1. Style and stylistic features…………………………………….3
2. Introduction…………………………………………………...5
3. Lexical analysis……………………………………………….7
4. Syntactic analysis……………………………………………..12
5. Form and structure……………………………………………14
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………….15
7. The list of the literature used…………………………………16