Research Project in English-Climate and Weather of The Khabarovsky krai

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Декабря 2012 в 13:59, курсовая работа


As a theme of the project I have chosen « The Climate and weather of The Khabarovsky krai ». Having overlooked all sites and having looked through all books there is information, but it is not enough. As it seems to me, my theme is very actual presently as everywhere people speak about weather; people change weather, polluting an atmosphere.


Introduction 3
1. Climate 4
1.1. Geographical position 4
1.2. Climatic features of our krai 9
1.3. Temperature records 15
1.4. Climatic changes 16
2. Weather 20
2.1. The seasonal phenomena 20
2.2. Monthly weather 22
Conclusion 23
Supplements 25
List of literature 27

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As a theme of the project I have chosen « The Climate and weather of The Khabarovsky krai ». Having overlooked all sites and having looked through all books there is information, but it is not enough. As it seems to me, my theme is very actual presently as everywhere people speak about weather; people change weather, polluting an atmosphere.

The purpose of my work is not only representation of the facts about a climate of The Khabarovsky krai, but also influence of ability of the person to live with the nature. To achieve this purpose I am going to collect material, to plan, to choose the main things.



Geographical position


In the beginning I would like to designate the basic terms of my work:

1) CLIMATE - long-term mode of weather in the given territory. Weather is characterized at any moment with the certain combinations of temperature, humidity, a direction and speed of a wind. In some types of a climate weather essentially varies every day or on seasons, in others - remains constant. Climatic descriptions are based on the statistical analysis of average and extreme meteorological characteristics. As the factor of an environment a climate influences a geographic distribution of vegetation, soil and water resources and, hence, on land tenure and economy. The climate also affects conditions of a life and health of a person.

2) Weather - a condition of an atmosphere in the given place of the Earth during the certain moment or an interval of time. This condition is determined by dynamics of an atmosphere, physical and chemical processes in it and its interaction with a surface of the Earth and with a space, and also with the processes defined by own internal power of an atmosphere and a surface of the Earth. Set of weathers in the given place can be named a climate

3) The seasonal climatic phenomena. In consequence of non-uniform distribution of solar heat and atmospheric precipitation on a terrestrial surface, the climate of the Earth is very various. Known scientist B.P.Alisov has allocated 13 climatic zones which differ from each other temperature conditions and in air weights on the Earth. The basic climatic zones correspond to distribution of four types of air weights. Especially big contrasts of temperature at a surface of the Earth - between equator and poles because of distinction of arrival of a solar energy at different breadthes. In the field of equator there is an equatorial climatic zone. Equatorial air and the lowered atmospheric pressure Here prevail. Over tropical zones are dominated with tropical air, a high pressure, descending movement of air. In the moderate zones the western winds prevail. Here is much colder, than in tropical zones. Transitive zones are between other zones. The prefix «sub» in translation with latin means "under". A subequatorial zone - underequatorial a zone, etc. In transitive zones air weights vary with a season. Distribution of temperature is influenced with an arrangement of continents and oceans. Because of high thermal capacities and heat conductivities of oceanic waters oceans considerably weaken fluctuations of temperature which result from changes of arrival of solar radiation within a year. In this connection in average and high breadthes temperature of air above oceans it is appreciable below, than above continents, and in the winter - above in the summer.

THE KHABAROVSKY KRAI is located in the center of the Russian Far East. Through its territory pass the overland, water and air routes connecting internal areas of Russia with Pacific ports, and the CIS countries and the Western Europe with the states of Asian-Pacific region.

The Khabarovsky krai is one of the largest regions of the Russian Federation. Its area - 787,6 thousand square kilometers that makes 4,5 percent of territory of Russia and 12,7 percent - Far East economic region. The territory of krai reaches from the north the south almost on 1800 kilometers and from the West on the east on 127-750 kilometers.

The territory of the Khabarovsky krai is located in the form of a narrow strip on east of Asia. In the West the border begins from Amur and strongly coiling, goes in northern direction all over again on western spurs Bureinski of a ridge, then on the western spurs of ridge Turan, ridges Ezoia and Yam-Alinia, on ridges Dgagdi and Dgug-Dir. Further the border, crossing Stanov range, goes on the top pool of the rivers of Maia and Uchur, in northwest - on ridges of Ket-Kap and Itabit, in northeast on ridge Suntar-Khaiat.

The prevailing part of territory has a mountain relief. Flat spaces borrow considerably smaller parts and reach mainly along pools of the rivers of the Amur, Tugur, Uda, Amguni.

The vegetation of the Khabarovsky krai on character and specific structure varies greatly. Prominent feature of territory, as well as all Far East - contrast and diversity of a vegetative cover. Here converge, and often and representatives of several various by origin and to structure of floras mix up with each other. The south here interwines with the north in enough freakish forms: grapes is twisted around of a fur-tree, the birch and a cedar grow near to a Manchurian nut and the Amur velvet.

Within the limits of territory allocate a zone of coniferous woods and a zone mixed  coniferous- broadleaf woods. Under influence of a sea monsoonal climate of border of zones pass in parallel a direction of ridges. The mountain relief causes vertical change of vegetation with rise above sea level. In krai coniferous woods prevail, they borrow almost all territory to the north from 51-st parallel, and on mountains Sikhote Alins, reach southern border of krai. In a zone it is a lot of woods, only to the north of a wood gradually thin. In the north and northwest of krai prevail light-coniferous woods in structure of which the main tree species are a larch daursk and a larch close to it; to them various kinds of birches are added a fur-tree ayansk and to a lesser degree. On a valley of the river Amguni, to them the Mongolian oak is quite often added.

In pool of the rivers Amguni, Bureya, Uda and Маia woods from a pine ordinary grow.

       To the south of border of distribution of a continuous permafrost, and also in a lower reaches of the Amur light-coniferous taiga gives a up the place dark-coniferous to a fur-tree-fir taiga. A landscape of mountain valleys - fir groves; more close to southern border of distribution to a fur-tree the white fir, forming dense fir-fir forest is added. In them the fur-tree ayansk prevails.

In a zone of a taiga the pure birch woods consisting mainly from a white birch also are widely widespread.

The mixed coniferous-broadleaf woods are widespread on the Average-Аmur plain. On valleys of inflows of the Amur they far enough get into mountains. The most typical representative of the mixed woods is the cedar Korean. Except for a cedar an ash manchurian, a nut manchurian, a velvet Amur, poplar, some kinds of birches, lindens here grow, etc.

From broadleaf breeds in the mixed woods the oak Mongolian is most widespread. Trees and bushes are twisted by various lianes.

In cedar- broadleaf many beautifully blossoming bushes and trees, and among grasses - huge number of valuable herbs, such as a ginseng, etc.

In territory of the Khabarovsky krai the river network is well developed. The main river the Amur has length within the limits of edge of 1534 kilometers. The rivers Tyrma, Ussuri, Chorus, Hens, Gorin, Uda, etc. Length of 300 kilometers many of them more are rather large.

For an agriculture the greatest threat is represented with flooding. In southern areas (pool of the rivers Bidzhana, Ussuri, Tunguski), and also on a site of the Amur up to the city of Komsomolska inclusive prevail the flooding caused by rains. On the rivers of northern areas alongside with rain greater repeatability flooding with elements of a jam of an ice is observed at opening the rivers. In bottom watercourse Amguni and on the Amur, below the city of Komsomolska highest levels of water for a number of years were observed in the spring during opening and on separate sites on 0.5 - 1.0 m exceeded the maximal marks of rain high waters. Very much greater flooding repeat 1 time in 7 - 10 years, greater - 1 time in 3-4 years, usual - 1 - 1.5 times in 2 years. At strong flooding the width of flood of the Amur on left-bank coast on a site from village Nagibovo up to a mouth of the river Biry reaches 15 - 20 kilometers, at city of Khabarovsk - up to 5 - 8 kilometers on sites below village Troitskogo, Mariinsky, Ottomans - up to 20 - 25 kilometers.

As a result of merge to the river of lakes Peter and Paul, Кizi and others the Bottom Amur turns to a huge reservoir which width on separate sites reaches 40 - 50 kilometers.

In an agriculture поймы the rivers are widely used for preparation of rough forages (up to 70 % of total), partially under crops.

But such cases current of summer can repeat some times. Floods of water on this site of the Amur usually occur from July till September. The general duration of flooding coast in a year nearby 25 - 30 days. Below a confluence of the river Sungari duration of flooding coast increases up to 65 - 90 days, thus the most probable period of flood on a site from village Lenin  up to the city of Komsomolska in August and September, and below the city of Komsomolska a little bit later - from the middle of August up to the middle of October.

Annually in October - November on the rivers it is formed ice to which the period of freezing precedes. Duration of the period of freezing of greater rivers change in significant limits. Average duration of freezing of the Amur 10 - 25 days, the river of Hens, at a meteorological station of Hens, freezes for 23 - 51 day, the river Uda  - for 11 - 44 days, r. Tugur, at village Burukan - for 25 - 89 days. In In the winter the ice cover on the rivers is often used for export hay from islands. On the rivers Ulchskogo of area ice comes 10 - on November, 15th, on inflows of the Amur to southern areas (the rivers Bidzhan, Ussuri, etc.) - in the middle of November. On the Amur from village Pashkovo up to the city Komsomolsk - nearby 20 - on November, 25th.

Characteristic feature of an ice mode of the small rivers of pool is regular from year to year them freezing. To number of such rivers concern Small Bira, Icura, headwaters Urmi, the Sieve, Manoma and other rivers with the areas of reservoirs of 3000 square kilometers. In northern areas the rivers with the small areas of reservoirs freeze through.

Destruction of an ice begins on the rivers of southern areas in second half of March, on the rivers of northern areas - in first half of April.

Thus, in the image: the Khabarovsky krai is one of the largest regions of the Russian Federation. The territory of the Khabarovsky krai is located in the form of a narrow strip on east of Asia. The prevailing part of territory has a mountain relief. The vegetation of the Khabarovsky krai on character and specific structure varies greatly. One of the most big rivers in Russia is Amur, has length within the limits of edge of 1534 kilometers.


Climatic features of our krai


The geographical position of krai as we know, defines character of its climate. First, а big extent of territory from the North on the South causes significant distinction in distribution of solar heat; secondly position of krai on border of Eurasia and Pacific Ocean is the reason of monsoonal character of its climate.

The climate of the Khabarovsky krai has monsoonal character. It is created under influence of the Asian continent and Pacific ocean. Influence of continent is shown mainly in the winter when above Asia the area of a high pressure is installed, and above ocean area of low pressure. During this period the northwest and northern air streams directed from continent to ocean prevail of the Khabarovsky krai. The winds blowing from continent (a winter monsoon), bring cold and dry air, causing severe and poorly snow winter with prevalence of clear weather.

In summer above ocean pressure is raised, and above continent is lowered. Air streams of southern and southeast directions (a summer monsoon) get into this period on territory of the Khabarovsky krai from the sea, causing on continent cloudy and rainy summer. If in a cold part of year above pool of the Amur fast displacement of cyclones from the West or a southwest in process of warming up of continent speed of displacement of cyclones sharply falls is observed. Summer cyclones, not only sea, but also continental, are characterized by big stocks of a moisture.

Climatic conditions of separate parts of krai considerably change both from the north on the south, and depending on affinity of the sea, and also from features of a relief. Owing to the big variety of a relief the basic directions of streams are distorted, but monsoonal character of a climate is kept as a whole on all areas.

The spring and autumn are transitive seasons when change of winter and summer monsoons is prepared.

Winter in krai long and severe. Average temperatures of the coldest month is changed from - 22, - 24 degrees in the south, up to - 26, - 40 degrees in the north. In separate years on the Far North of the Khabarovsky krai downturn of temperatures is observed up to - 55, - 60 degrees. In mountain areas average January temperatures reach - 30, - 35 degrees. An absolute minimum of temperature - 46, - 50 degrees in the south and - 52, - 57 degrees in the north of edge. It strongly depends on local conditions. In the closed lowered forms of a relief an absolute minimum in winter months on 5 - 10 degrees below, than in the mountains which are being the same areas. In a coastal strip under influence of moderating action of the seas an absolute minimum is changed within the limits of from - 35, - 40 degrees in the south, up to - 45 degrees in the north.

In an annual course the highest relative humidity at 13 o'clock. In continental areas it is celebrated, and in December and January (65 - 70 %), and at coast in July - August (70 - 90 %). In a valley of average and bottom current of the Amur relative humidity in the summer changing within the limits of 65-70 %. In the autumn relative humidity everywhere decreases and in continental areas Priamurya of its value are close to a spring minimum.

By the spring in all territory humidity of air decreases and in continental areas in April - May it reaches the minimum - 40 - 50 %.

Daily course of relative humidity of air most strongly pronounced in the summer. At this time year the maximum is observed in 4 - 5 o'clock in the morning, a minimum - in 14 - 15 one o'clock in the afternoon. Number of days with relative humidity of air below 30 % on the Middle-Amur plain 11 - 17, and with relative humidity of 80 % and more than 60 - 80 days.

Summer is warm and damp. July, its average temperature in the south of krai 20 - 21 degrees, and in the north 14 - 16 degrees warmest month is. Low temperatures during the summer period characterize high tops and slopes of mountains. An absolute minimum in the south of edge 35 - 40 degrees and 30 - 35 degrees in the north. Absolute annual amplitudes of temperature of air reach 80 - 90 %. At a distance from the sea in continental areas the greatest repeatability daily amplitudes 4 - 9 degrees in the winter and 7 - 16 degrees in the summer depending on conditions of a site.

Thermal resources of the warm period are characterized by the sum of positive temperatures. Significant influence on them is rendered with the form and an exposition of slopes. Duration of the warm period with average daily temperature above 0 degrees in the south makes 200 days, and in the north - 180 - 190 days. The cold period below 0 degrees makes 175 - 185 days in the north and 165 - 170 days in the south. Without frosty the period in the south 130 - 150 days, and in central, northern and foothill areas from 90 till 130 days. Begins without frosty period in southern areas in the first and the beginning of the second decade of May, in the central areas - in the end of the second decade of May, and in foothill and northern areas - in the end of May and the beginning of June. In the autumn frosts in the south begin in the first decade of October, in other areas - in the second - the third decade of September.

As the beginning of the period of active vegetation of plants consider date of transition of average daily temperature of air through 10 degrees. In the spring transition through 10 degrees in southern and central flat areas happens in the end to the first and second decade of May, in foothill and northern areas - in the third decade of May, and in the bottom current of the Amur, narrow mountain valleys and northern coast - in the first decade of June. In the autumn in southern and central flat areas, at northern coast of Tatar strait transition of average monthly temperature through 10 degrees happens in the third decade of September, and in the north and foothill areas - in the second decade of September. The sums of temperatures for this period in southern flat areas makes 2200 - 2400 and more 2400 degrees, and northern and foothill areas - 1600 - 1400 degrees. Average duration of the period with temperature above 10 degrees in southern and central flat areas makes 125 - 145 and more days, and in northern and foothill areas - 100 - 115 days.

The wind mode during the winter period in the Khabarovsky krai is defined by presence of the extensive cold anticyclone located by central part in Transbaikalia and northern areas of the Mongolian national republic. Thereof in territory of the Khabarovsky krai northern and northwest air streams prevail. In conditions of a cross-country terrain the wind at the ground emphasizes influence of valleys and mountain ridges. In southern areas winds in the winter southwest, in central - northwest, and at coast western. East and southeast circulation in the summer is sharply expressed.The direction of a wind is less steady also repeatability of prevailing directions in the summer is expressed by smaller number of cases. In internal, basically southern areas, winds of southern points (a southwest, a southeast) prevail. In Avoron-Chukchagirsk hollow northern winds in the summer prevail. A summer monsoon in a valley the Amur river in general it is expressed indistinctly. During transitive seasons (in the spring and in the autumn), during preparation for change of a monsoon, the direction of a wind becomes less steady. Average speeds of a wind in territory of the Khabarovsky krai change within the limits of from 1 up to 6.7 km/s. Some increase in speeds of a wind is planned in March - April when cyclic activity starts to develop, characteristic for a warm season. In process of promotion on the east of speed of a wind in separate days increase up to 20 km/s, and more. The daily course of speed of a wind is well expressed in a warm half of year and is weaker - in cold. The maximum of speed of a wind is necessary on a day time, a minimum - on night.

In territory of krai within all year atmospheric precipitation are caused mainly by circulation of an atmosphere, its seasonal changes and first of all intensity of cyclonic activity. The big influence on distribution of quantity of atmospheric precipitation is rendered with geography of district. The increase in quantity of deposits on slopes of mountains is connected with an amplifying convergence of streams at approach of face-to-face systems mountains and with the forced rise of weights of air on slopes of mountains. Reduction of deposits by leeward slopes of mountains is connected with the general reduction moisture of the maintenance, and with prevalence of descending movements of air.

In the south of the Khabarovsky krai and on east slopes Bureinski of a ridge of deposits drops out 600 - 800 millimeters. The greatest quantity of deposits is observed in area of ridge Thikhoe-Alinya - approximately 800 - 1000 millimeters. In a coastal strip of edge the quantity of deposits decreases up to 400 - 700 millimeters. During the warm period the greatest quantity of deposits (700 - 800 millimeters) are observed on southeast slopes of ridges Bureinski, Turana and western slopes Thikhoe-Alinya. In a valley river Amur drops out 500 - 600 mm. The greatest quantity in southern and central parts of The Khabarovsky krai drops out in August, and at coast of Tatar strait (to the south of cape Syurkum) - in September. On the Far North it is observed two maxima - in first half of July and in September.

In a month of a maximum of deposits their quantity are changed not the north of krai within the limits of 50 - 115 millimeters, in other territory 100 - 150 millimeters, and in separate points reach 180 millimeters.

Strong and long rains during the warm period, as a rule, are connected with passage of the cyclonic indignations developing on polar front (in a transitive zone between air weights of the moderate and tropical breadthes).

Change of the sums of deposits in months of the cold period of year is less, than in months of the warm period. Variability of the monthly sums of deposits from year to year is great enough, especially during the warm period. Continuous duration of loss of deposits in separate years varies in significant limits: during the summer period from 2 till 200 o'clock in the south of krai and from 4 till 327 o'clock at coast. The general duration of loss of deposits for a year are changed on territory from 600 - 800 hour in flat areas up to 1200 - 1400 hour in mountains at coast.

The least duration of deposits is observed in the spring and in the autumn when cyclonic activity weakens. The greatest intensity of deposits (3.0 - 4.5 mm/mines.) it is observed in an estuary of the Ussuri.

The absolute maximum of deposits for a day in months of the warm period of year weakens (July - September) is changed depending on conditions of circulation and physics-geographical conditions from 75 up to 163 mm. Significant deposits drop out in the Khabarovsky krai at passage of typhoons on coast.

Duration of light day in June - July - 15 - 16 hour. Repeatability of the cloudy sky in July on the average changes from 50 up to 60 %, and clear from 20 up to 30 %. The greatest number of clear days is observed during the cold period.

Climatic and soil conditions of the Khabarovsku krai are quite favorable for agriculture and allow to grow up the big assortment of agricultural crops. The Significant amount of heat during the vegetative period, an abundance of a sunlight, enough of deposits favour to cultivation of various agricultural crops. In the Khabarovsky krai can successfully grow: wheat, an oats, barley,  rice, a soya, a hemp, flax, a sugar beet, sunflower, millet, corn, a potato, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, a pumpkin, carrots, an onions(a bow), garlic; from berry cultures - an apple-tree, plum, a cherry, a currant. The greatest relative density is borrowed with a soya and early grain crops.

In practice of an agricultural production it is applied both drainage, and an irrigation of the grounds. The area of the drained grounds makes about 75 000 hectares, irrigated - about 1000 hectares. On the drained and irrigated grounds vegetables grow mainly. The irrigation is made in first half of summer (June) when plants lack a moisture. 

So that we can tell about a climate of the Khabarovsky krai, the climate of The Khabarovsky krai has monsoonal character. In winter the winds blowing from continent (a winter monsoon), bring cold and dry air, causing severe and poorly snow winter with prevalence of clear weather. In summer on territory of the Khabarovsky krai from the sea, causing on continent cloudy and rainy summer. The spring and autumn are transitive seasons when change of winter and summer monsoons is prepared. Winter in krai is long and severe. Summer is warm and damp.



Temperature records


Very important tasks face to workers Hydrometeocenter of the Khabarovsky krai. A priority of collective of this center is formation of a database of meteorological characteristics for the long-term period which characterize the major climatic features of region. These data with full confidence it is possible to consider as national property. They form a basis both for scientific researches and for maintenance of ability to live of the population of territory of the Khabarovsky krai rich with natural resources.

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