
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Ноября 2012 в 21:59, курсовая работа


The first travel guide to Greece was written 1800 years ago by the Greek geographer and historian Pausanias, so the tourism industry is not exactly in its infancy. In the 19th century, wealthy young European aristocrats made it part of their Grand Tour; in this century it has become a mecca for sun and sea worshippers.
The country’s enduring attractions its archaeological sites; those who travel through Greece journey not only through the landscape but also through time, witnessing the legacy of Europe’s greatest ages – the Mycenaean, Minoan, classical, Hellenistic and Byzantine.
You cannot wander far in Greece without stumbling across a broken column, a crumbling bastion or a tiny Byzantine church, each perhaps neglected and forgotten but still retaining an aura of former glory.


Chapter1 .Geography and ecology…………………………………………5
Chapter 2. Government and politic…………………...................................6
Chapter3. Population and people……………………………………..……6
Chapter4 .Accommodation and catering service ………………………..…7
Chapter6. Transportation……………………………………………………8
6.4.Road Rules………………………………………………………………9
6.6.LOCAL TRANSPORT…………………………………………………10
Chapter7. Sightseeing………………………………………………………10

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     Greece is much more than beaches and ancient monuments. Its culture is a unique blend of East and West, inherited from the long period of Ottoman rule and apparent in its food, music and traditions. The mountainous countryside is a walker’s paradise crisscrossed by age – old donkey tracks leading to stunning vistas.

The magnetism of Greece is also due to less tangible attributes – the dazzling clarity of the light, the floral aromas which permeate the air, the spirit of place – for there is hardly a grove, mountain or stream which is not sacred to a deity, and the ghosts of the past still linger.

      And then again, many visitors come to Greece simply to get away from it all and relax in one of Europe’s friendliest and safest countries

       Welcome to Greece and its suburbs to get  acquainted with their amazing sights!




  1. Eugene J. Hall. The language of tourism in English, 1976 – 120 p.
  2. Western Europe on a shoestring, 1997/
  3. Елена Занина. 95 устных тем по английскому языку. – М, 2001. – 304 с.


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