Манипуляция в политическом дискурсе в средствах массовой информации

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Апреля 2012 в 13:58, курсовая работа


Данная работа посвящена проблеме речевого воздействия в политическом дискурсе западных СМИ. С речевым воздействием тесно связано понятие манипуляции. Манипуляция в политике определяется следующим образом: «махинация; система психологического воздействия, ориентированная на внедрение иллюзорных представлений» [Резникова]. Целью данной работы является выделение основных тактик и стратегий речевой манипуляции в политическом дискурсе западных СМИ, изучение механизмов формирования образа России в западных СМИ.


Введение – с. 2
Глава I. Феномен речевой манипуляции в политическом дискурсе СМИ – с. 3
Глава II. Язык как средство господства – с. 7
Глава III. Инструменты речевой манипуляции – с. 10
Глава IV. Практическая часть – с. 15
Заключение – с. 25
Список исследуемых материалов – с. 26
Список использованной литературы – с. 29

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     Sima Samar, the former minister for women’s affairs, faced blasphemish charges in 2002. (Associated Press)

     The attacks could also throw into doubt the policies of Mr. Putin’s protégé, President Dmitri A. Medvedev. (New York Times, 2010)

     Использования различных тропов (метафоры, метонимия, сравнение, эпитет и пр.):

     …it played badly back in Germany, where it was widely viewed as an unseemly attempt by Schroeder to cash in. (Washington Post, 2006)

     But to others it was yet the latest example of Putin's ham-handed attempt to use the energy weapon to punish a former republic that had turned its back on the Kremlin. (Washington Post, 2006)

   Также используются  оценочные суждения, непроверенные суждения о событиях, представленные как верифицированные, умолчание. Ложные аналогии. [Резникова]:

   Russia’s Long-Planned Invasion(conflict in Georgia) (New York Times, 2008)

   Consequently Moscow’s war against Western influence in the post-Soviet states and hence against the West itself has just begun. (New York Times, 2009)

     …the Russian-Georgian war is part of another, very major war that Russia intends to launch as a responsive strike to the West. (Washington Post, 2010)

     He pointed out that Russia continues to want a change of leadership in Tbilisi because for the Kremlin, “the western choice of Georgia is unacceptable.” (New York Times, 2008)

     Слова, подобные it seems, looks like, doubtful добавляют оценочности высказыванию – малая доля вероятности:

     And while it might have seemed a clever idea to recruit former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder as chairman of the board of the new venture…

     Инструменты речевой манипуляции на грамматическом уровне.

     Пассив  является распространенным средством  манипулирования сознанием реципиента  в сообщениях СМИ, так как оно  позволяет придать оттенок авторитетности и беспристрастности, а также  дает возможность преподнести некое  сообщение под видом общепринятой истины:

     In 2005, the world was reminded of what happens when the amount of oil and gas needed by consuming countries equals…(Washington Post, 2006)

     Часто используется риторический вопрос, как  возможность поставить под вопрос определенное суждение:

     Will the Moscow Attacks Help Putin? (New York Times, 2010)

     Does this attack call into question the effectiveness of the government’s approach, or will it allow Mr. Putin to exert a stronger hand? What are the factors now at play? (New York Times, 2010)

     How Russia nourishes radical Islam? (Washington Post, 2010)

     Is there a chance of something better? Yes, but it is a small one. (Financial Times, 2007)


     But passengers kept looking over their shoulders, casting uneasy glaces at others (Could he be one? Could she?) and silently cursing terrorism’s return to their lives. Just don’t expect them to blame Vladimir V. Putin for it. (New York Times, 2010)

   Инструменты речевой манипуляции функционируют  и на высшем уровне языковой иерархии - текстовом. На текстовом уровне функционируют ирония, политическая метафора, создание «семантического поля», повтор, аналогия, контраст, комментарии и рефлексивы. Вот примеры для некоторых из них [Никитина 2006].:

   The crisis, they fear, may have an even more dramatic effect on the international pecking order--and deny them the ground they have gained in this decade. (Washington Post, 2006)

     Howls of protest forced Putin to quickly patch up a face-saving deal that restored the flow of gas in exchange for what amounted to a partial price hike for Ukraine. (Washington Post, 2006)

   Rather than strengthen Russia's reputation as a reliable energy supplier, Putin's Ukrainian gambit merely reminded his European customers of the need to hedge their bets with alternative energy sources. (Washington Post, 2006)

     That lesson came from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who started the new year by shutting off the flow of natural gas to Ukraine. (Washington Post, 2006)

     Политическая  метафора - ИРМ текстового уровня, который  реализует связность.

     В западных СМИ можно выделить основные метафоры, связанные с образом  России:

    1. Россия  и метафора медведя.

     Наиболее  привычной и исторически укорененной  метафорой образа России является медведь. В западных СМИ Россия часто предстает  как  разбуженный и непредсказуемый  шатун, готовый к потенциально возможной  агрессии.

     As long as it is trapped, the Russian bear will growl…  (Financial Times, 2007)

     The Russian bear is awake. But this is not a Russia restored to past greatness. It is caught in a failed transition. So long as this continues, Russia will disturb its neighbours and disappoint its citizens. Is there a chance of something better? Yes, but it is a small one. (Financial Times, 2007)

     Использование «медвежьей метафоры» достаточно распространено:  голодный медведь; рынок «медведя», медведь cтремится в Европу; царь Владимир цепко держит в руках огромного медведя; танцы с медведем  [Баскакова 2007].

    2. Россия  и образ (культ) Владимира Путина.

     A recent week in Moscow left one clear impression: The Putin model of crony state capitalism is dead. (Washington Post, 2010)

     Russia performed the worst among the Group of 20 leading global economic powers. And as Russian elites realize that the Putin model has failed, opposition to the government is mounting.

     Mr. Putin’s governing political party dominated regional elections this month, though it did suffer setbacks that could indicate displeasure on the economy. (Washington Post, 2010)

     In the past month, however, calls for Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to resign were heard at rallies in different parts of Russia. (Washington Post, 2010)

    3. «Хромая» экономика России.

     Russia has been transformed in the last 10 years. In 1998, after nearly a decade of mismanagement, the rouble went into free fall and the country neared bankruptcy. (Financial Times 2008)

     Russians, it seems, at last have an answer to the question they have been asking since the economic collapse of 1998: Can anything approaching that crisis happen again? (Washington Post, 2008)

   Необходимо  выделить ряд тактик речевой манипуляции:

     1. Тактика, основанная на оппозиции  «свои/чужие».

     «Putin Plays a Game of Pipeline Politics» (Washington Post, 2006, заголовок)

     Manipulation of television stations, harassment of human rights activists, imprisonment of the president’s political rivals – none of that has so far excluded Russia from the club of civilized nations (Washington Post, 2006).

     the Russian-Georgian war is part of another, very major war that Russia intends to launch as a responsive strike to the West.

He pointed out that Russia continues to want a change of leadership in Tbilisi because for the Kremlin, “the western choice of Georgia is unacceptable.” (New York Times, 2008)

   Several pipelines and electric power lines passing from Russia to Georgia were blown up, actions that many blamed on Islamic terrorists but which, Illarionov said, investigations showed were in fact the work of Russian special services. (New York Times, 2008)

   Выражения с национально-прецедентными феноменами:

   В качестве примера можно привести такой национально-прецедентный феномен, как Мартин Лютер Кинг в Америке  и его речь «I have a dream».

Obama identified less with the utopianism of King than with the moral realism of John F. Kennedy(New Yorker, 2009) 
He knew that he could not have a serious impact on issues like Iraq or the Sudan as a junior committee member, but he was determined to learn the institution and to acquire, as Hillary Clinton had, a reputation not for celebrity but for substance. (New Yorker, 2011). 
… quoted the previous African-American recipient, Martin Luther King, Jr., and added, «Mr. President, we are happy to see that through your presence here so much of Dr. King’s dream has come true…» (New Yorker, 2009)

Т.е. в  лице Обамы мечта Кинга воплощается  в жизнь.

Использование этниконов:

Between these two speeches, the President spent months deciding whether and why to send young Americans to kill and die in Afghanistan. (New Yorker) 
The question of the intermittents was so pressing—omnipresent in the newspapers and on television—that there was little room left for the Americans. (New Yorker, 2003) 
2) Желание политика сформировать собственный положительный образ в глазах получателя.  Для этих целей могут использоваться понятия, которые входят в систему общечеловеческих ценностей (enthusiasm, love,  tolerance, respect, justice,  peace), лингвистические единицы со значением первенства и лидерства (the best, the  most effective, number one, the first ever), лингвистические единицы,  выражающие политические ценности или политические активы (liberty, democracy, freedom, an American idea, human rights) [Самарина 2006]. 

“We can acknowledge that oppression will always be with us, and still strive for justice,” Obama concluded. “We can understand that there will be war, and still strive for peace.” (New Yorker)

“As a head of state sworn to protect and defend my nation, I cannot be guided by their examples alone,” Obama said, when it was his turn at the lectern. “I face the world as it is, and cannot stand idle in the face of threats to the American people. For make no mistake: evil does exist in the world.” (New Yorker)

Before writing the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln read one of Parker’s sermons: “There is what I call the American idea . . . a democracy—that is, a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.” (New Yorker, 2008)

The latter described the Administration’s efforts on behalf of human rights in multilateral forums and bilateral talks. She defended its record as well as she could.(New Yorker) 
В основе коммуникативной стратегии «создание круга чужих» лежат следующие цели:  

  1. стремление сформировать отрицательный образ политического оппонента в глазах получателя. Для этого используются инвективы и ярлыки:

     But the real loser was Putin, who only reinforced his reputation as an authoritarian bully who never accepted the demise of the Soviet empire and has not embraced the rule of law. (Washington Post, 2006)

     The attacks could also throw into doubt the policies of Mr. Putin’s protégé, President Dmitri A. Medvedev. (New York Times, 2010)

     According to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, only a third of the Republican rank and file believe that Barack Obama is, in the Constitution’s phrase, a “natural born Citizen”—and therefore eligible to be President of the United States. (New Yorker, 2011)

   Ирония  и лингвистические единицы в  переносном значении с отрицательной  оценкой (политическая метафора)  употребляются  для формирования у получателя отрицательного мнения о той или иной политической единице (политике, партии, программе, мероприятии) с целью создания его  образа «врага», антигероя [Самарина 2006].

   Between elections, Bishop Tomlinson travelled the world with a portable throne, crowning himself, among other things, King of Belgium, King of Ethiopia, Tsar of Russia, and, finally, King of the World. Trump thinks no less highly of himself. (New Yorker, 2011)

  1. стремление дистанцироваться от взглядов, действий, решений оппонента.

     In December 2005, the Kremlin ordered the heads of Russian energy companies to begin a blockade of Georgia, but when that effort failed, the Russian government turned to other means. (New York Times, 2008)

     …the policy that will yield the desired results, which include the end of the Qaddafi regime (without a long and bloody stalemate) and the further encouragement of constitutional democratic change throughout the region. (New Yorker,  2011) 
Colonel Qaddafi wrote, adding, “As you know too well democracy and building of civil society cannot be achieved by means of missiles and aircraft, or by backing armed members of Al Qaeda in Benghazi.”( New York Times, 2011)

     2. Тактика «хорошо/плохо» используется для достижения локальной цели - представить объект описания хорошим или плохим [Никитина 2006].

     That lesson came from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who started the new year by shutting off the flow of natural gas to Ukraine. (Washington Post, 2006)

     …Moscow responded with an economic blockade. (New York Times, 2010)

     Howls of protest forced Putin to quickly patch up a face-saving deal that restored the flow of gas in exchange for what amounted to a partial price hike for Ukraine. (Washington Post, 2006)

  4. Тактика «герой/антигерой»:

     In December 2005, the Kremlin ordered the heads of Russian energy companies to begin a blockade of Georgia, but when that effort failed, the Russian government turned to other means. (New York Times, 2008)

     …Moscow responded with an economic blockade. (New York Times, 2010)

Despondent Canadians and a Briton were freed in a successful rescue operation by multi-national forces, officials said. … they acted on a tip from a man who was caught by U.S. forces only just three hours earlier.

      In 2006, the Georgian special services arrested several Russian agencies but, Illarionov noted, “Georgia followed diplomatic etiquette and without any noise sent them back to Moscow. (New York Times, 2008)

   In the current environment, should the French police find evidence linking Russian officials or their agents to this crime, that in itself would undoubtedly have a major impact on opinion in France and throughout the European Union, official and otherwise, concerning the nature of the increasingly assertive Russian government. (New York Times, 2008)

       5. Тактика «истина/не-истина» призвана сообщать о верном (не-верном) понимании ситуации [Никитина 2006].

   And he described precisely what Russian forces had been doing in the weeks leading up to the outbreak of hostilities and what they did after that time, actions that in both cases show just how false are all Russian claims that Tbilisi started the war and that Moscow intervened to defend its citizens or the right of nations to self-determination. (New York Times 2008)

By last week it was not an obscure topic but front-page news. Why? (Washington Post, 2006)

      Last week the publication I work for, the German newsweekly Die Zeit, printed one of the controversial caricatures of the prophet Muhammad. It was the right thing to do. (Washington Post, 2006)

     Итак, речевая манипуляция имеет целый  ряд языковых средств. Их можно выделить как на фонографическом, лексическом, грамматическом уровнях, так и на более высоком уровне – текстовом. Также мною были проанализированы примеры, в которых наглядно видны тактики и стратегии речевой манипуляции. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод о том, какие инструменты языкового воздействия используют западные СМИ, и как они отражаются на формировании негативного образа России в глазах западного общества. 



      Что же такое речевая манипуляция? В  ходе работы было предложено множество  различных интерпретаций данного явления. Но несмотря на многочисленность определений, все исследователи сходятся в одном: манипуляция всегда носит скрытый характер, она обращена к бессознательному, нацелена на деавтоматизацию восприятия реципиента.

Информация о работе Манипуляция в политическом дискурсе в средствах массовой информации