Youth movements and musical directions

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Апреля 2011 в 22:30, реферат


In youth culture there are different youth movements. Sometimes some of them represent the protest against the concrete public phenomena. Informal associations and youth movements have certain functions.

One of the main functions is possibility of self-realization. Cultural function of movements expresses creative and moral aspirations of youth also it is understood in cultural activity.

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The work project on a theme: Hip-hop
  Informal associations and youth movements have certain functions. One of the main things is self-realization possibility. Youth movements and musical directions


  In youth culture there are different youth movements. Sometimes some of them represent the protest against the concrete public phenomena. Informal associations and youth movements have certain functions.

  One of the main functions is possibility of self-realization. Cultural function of movements expresses creative and moral aspirations of youth also it is understood in cultural activity. It is all made origin new musical styles in which all can be expressed.

  Such style in music also is Hip-hop. In general that hip-hop it not simply music, the whole culture including: a rap (music), inscriptions on walls, break-dance, extreme sports.

  The hip-hop native land is America. Therefrom all has begun.

   The hip-hop history, has begun in 1969 in Southern Bronx - a black ghetto of New York. However, the word "hip-hop" then yet wasn't. DJ Africa Bambaataa has invented its five years later when the matured culture already needed the general name. Any subculture begins with a name.

  Hip-hop music consists of two basic elements: the rap (a rhythmical recitative with precisely defined rhymes) and a rhythm is established by the DJ; at the same time structures without a vocal are frequent. Executors name themselves MС.

  Despite a fashion of hip-hop changing every year, as a whole it has a number of prominent features. Clothes, as a rule, free, sports style: trainers and baseball caps (as a rule with direct peaks) known brands (e.g. Reebok, Roca Wear), T-shirts and basketball vests, jackets and jackets with hoods, baggy trousers (so-called pipes), the lowered a little wide shorts. Hairdresses short though short African plaits also are popular. At rappers massive gold ornaments (chains, medallions and so forth) use popularity. 


  Hip-hop in Russia 

   In Russia the rap has appeared only in the late eighties - the end of the ninetieth years. The so-called first wave of Russian rap was generated. The groups created then, were the cleanest "underground", based only on own ambitions and aspiration to advance culture of Hip-hop in Russia. Group Bad Balance was formed during this period, and is one of the most oldest rap groups. Bad B, in some measure, it is possible to consider as founding fathers of Russian rap...

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