The training process

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Мая 2013 в 21:35, реферат


The training process consists of many elements: motor, tactic, psychic qualities and technnique. They are interconnected and none of them can be neglected. The tactics of preparation and some psychic characteristics such as motivation, volitional qualities and emotional states are always present, but undoubtedly the motor skills and technique are considered the most significant. In the process of training one should observe the proper succession of these elements and watch their proportions.

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The training process consists of many elements: motor, tactic, psychic qualities and technnique. They are interconnected and none of  them can be neglected.  The tactics of preparation and some psychic characteristics such as motivation, volitional qualities and emotional states are always present, but undoubtedly the motor skills and technique are considered the most significant. In the process of training one should observe the proper succession of these elements and watch their proportions.

The training process is of cyclic character. It consists of periods of work and relaxation. There are various types of relaxation breaks: the breaks between some exercises, the breaks between trainings and competitions, the breaks between microcycles, between training periods.   One thing is sure: the shorter period of rest a competitor needs, the better form he is in.

The process of change from the state of fatigue to the state of relaxation is known as regeneration. This process can last from several seconds to several hours. There are same factors stimulating the process of regeneration:

·  personal hygiene. Hygienic conditions of work and relaxation;

·                  proper exercises with regulated loads and intensity;

·         the activities, stimulating regeneration such as massages, hydrotherapy, irradiations, saunas.      

 As a rule the process of training begins with a warming-up. It is a very important period because it helps to prepare an athletes organism for muscular work of great intensity.  


The way to success in sport is becoming more and more difficult. It requires the knowledge on the part of the coach, on the one hand, and a great talent and devotion on the part of the competitor on the other (hand).

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