The accentual structure of English language

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Февраля 2012 в 15:06, курсовая работа


In this course paper we shall treat some problems of accentual structure. . According to D.Crystal the terms "heaviness, sound pressure, force, power, strength, intensity, amplitude, prominence, emphasis, accent, stress" tend to be used synonymously by most writers. According to G.P. Torsuev the notions “stressed” and “prominent” should not be used synonymically. The effect of prominence is created by some phonetic features of sounds which have nothing to do with word or sentence stress.


Chapter I. English stress as a phenomenon
1.1 Peculiarities of Word Stress in English
1.2 The placement of word stress
1.3 Overview of English accentual words
Chapter II. The questions of typology of accentual structure
2.1 Degrees of stress and rhythmical tendency
2.2 Functional aspects of word stress
2.3 Practical analysis showing the types of stress
List of literature

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