Контрольная работа по "Английский языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Февраля 2013 в 14:55, контрольная работа


1. Прочтите, переведите письменно и выучите следующие слова и выражения.
2. Прочитайте статью, переведите ее устно. Выполните задания, данные после статьи.
2.1.Закончите предложения.
1. Most American and British firms
a) are happier to deal with English speaking customers.
b) do not have problems with languages.
c) may find it difficult to export to some countries.
2. A British company
a) employed a French firm to do its translating.
b) lost an important contract.
c) employed several translators.
3. The University of London Language in Business Programme
a) is designed to teach a language in a few months.
b) helps personnel managers to make decisions.
c) may save a company money.
2.2. Отметьте следующие предложения как верные (True) или неверные (False), основываясь на информации, представленной в статье.
1. There are no problem concerning communications between companies. False
2. A British company didn't have problems translating correspondence from Farsi. False
3. The Iranian company placed its orders with a French firm. True
4. To have an effective language training programme it is necessary to assess language needs in a company. True
5. All the employees in a company have the same linguistic abilities. False
3. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями. Переведите текст письменно.

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                                                         Контрольная работа 3

Текст: "​Business Across the Language Gap."

1. Прочтите, переведите письменно  и выучите следующие слова  и выражения. 

аccording to – согласно чему-либо

agenda – повестка дня

assessment - оценка

benefit from – выигрывать от

cancel – отмена

casings – оболочка

coherently – согласованно

delay – задержка

face the problem – сталкиваться с проблемой

frustrated – расстроенный, удрученный

increasingly - всё больше и больше, в большей степени

language course – языковой курс

monitor the progress of – отслеживать продвижение чего-либо

personnel – персонал, кадры

pick up - принимать, поднимать

place an order – разместить заказ

proper facilities – имущественные возможности, необходимое оборудование

rely on – полагаться на

resolve a problem – решать проблему

set up – устанавливать

supplier – поставщик


2. Прочитайте  статью, переведите ее устно. Выполните  задания, данные после статьи.

​Business Across the Language Gap

Communications today between companies are becoming faster and faster. But there is still one problem that has not been completely resolved: the problem of language. In the United States or Britain, for example, most companies are used to dealing in English. This is fine if you are buying from a German, Indian or Nigerian company. However, when it comes to selling abroad, American and British companies are finding that things are not so simple.

Take the case of a London-based supplier of plastics. Managers were delighted when they landed a multi-million pound contract to supply casings for computers and other electronic equipment to a factory in Iran. Everything went well at first. However, problems began to develop after a few months. The British company had received a large quantity of correspondence in Farsi. But there was no-one in the London office who could read the faxes and letters. So they were sent out to a firm of translators and there was a long delay in replying to them. The Iranian company grew increasingly frustrated at the delays and finally cancelled the contract. It placed its orders instead with a French firm employing a number of Farsi speakers.

Most companies faced with problems like this have little idea of how to set up a language training programme. Some companies then rely on managers' individual efforts. Others hope that secretaries picked up enough French at night school to be able to deal with correspondence.

These responses are not good enough according to a report from the University of London Language in Business Programme (ULLBP). The report suggests that personnel and training managers need to think more carefully about the way they plan language training in a company.

An effective language training programme must begin with an assessment of language needs in a company. One approach is to make a list of the company's main overseas customers and suppliers. This gives a clear idea of which languages are necessary. If your main markets are in South America, then Spanish, and possibly Portuguese, should be high on the agenda.

The next step is to look at the linguistic abilities of employees in a company. A "language awareness test" can help trainers to select those workers who will benefit most from spending time on a new language. A ULLBP study suggests that English speakers who have never studied a language before learn more slowly. They can take three or even four times longer to reach intermediate level in French or German than experienced language learners.

This type of language audit can help company to plan its training coherently and, in the long run, to make large cost savings.


2.1.Закончите предложения.

1. Most American and British firms

a) are happier to deal with English speaking customers.

b) do not have problems with languages.

c) may find it difficult to export to some countries.

2. A British company

a) employed a French firm to do its translating.

b) lost an important contract.

c) employed several translators.

3. The University of London Language in Business Programme

a) is designed to teach a language in a few months.

b) helps personnel managers to make decisions.

c) may save a company money.

4. Companies need to know which of their employees

a) can benefit from a language course.

b) studied French at school.

c) have been to night school.

5. Experienced language learners:

a) usually know French and German.

b) can usually learn a new language more quickly.

c) should be paid more than other employees.


2.2. Отметьте следующие  предложения как верные (True) или неверные (False), основываясь на информации, представленной в статье.

1. There are no problem concerning communications between companies. False

2. A British company didn't have problems translating correspondence from Farsi. False

3. The Iranian company placed its orders with a French firm. True

4. To have an effective language training programme it is necessary to assess language needs in a company. True

5. All the employees in a company have the same linguistic abilities. False


3. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями. Переведите текст письменно.

proper facilities language course more money

enough time language teachers monitor the progress of


Training managers need to ask themselves a number of questions before implementing a language policy:

- Do staff have enough time to study a new language? Should they have time off work to learn?

- How can we monitor the progress of individual students? Should there be regular tests, for example?

- Do we have the proper facilities for language training? Is there a classroom available? Do we need to buy a video?

- Are language teachers sufficiently aware of the needs of the business world? How much do they need to know about the activities of our company?

- What type of language course is best for my company? Are modern methods always best or do employees prefer a more traditional approach?

- Can I justify spending more money on language training? Does this represent good value for money?


Менеджеры по профессиональному обучению должны задать себе ряд вопросов прежде, чем ввести языковую политику:

- Достаточно ли времени у  персонала для изучения нового  языка? Потребуется ли время  вне работы на его изучение?

- Как мы можем отслеживать  достижения каждого студенты? Нужны  ли для этого, например, регулярные тесты?

- Есть ли у нас все необходимое для обучения языку? Свободный кабинет? Нужно ли покупать видеооборудование?

- Хорошо ли понимают преподаватели  языка потребности бизнес-сообщества? Насколько они должны быть  осведомлены о деятельности компании?

- Какой тип языкового курса  выбрать? Всегда ли современные  методы лучше или работники  предпочтут более традиционный  подход?

- Могу ли я оправдать  трату бОльших денег на языковое  обучение? Действительно ли это  стоит потраченных на это денег?


4. Заполните пропуски подходящими  глаголами из текста в задании  2, переведите письменно и выучите  полученные словосочетания.

1. deal in English – использовать в работе английский язык

2. land a contract – заключать контракт

3. pick up some French – почерпнули немного французского

4. rely on managers' efforts – полагаться на усилия менеджеров

5. take the case of ... – возьмем (рассмотрим) случай

6. grow frustrated – становиться потерянным

7. deal with correspondence – справиться (разобраться) с корреспонденцией

8. assess language needs – оценить языковые потребности

5. Определите, какое предложение точнее всего передает содержание текста в задании 2.

1. British companies should spend a lot more money on language training.

2. Companies should deal only with companies who speak their language.

3. British people find it difficult to learn foreign languages.

4. Companies who want to export more should pay more attention to their employees' language needs.

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