Конференция анггл яз

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Апреля 2012 в 22:18, доклад


Multi-level marketing is basically a system of retailing. An individual becomes a distributor for an established multi-level marketing (MLM) company. You can either sell consumer products or services. Additionally, you can recruit, train and manage others. They also sell the products or services. You benefit because you receive a percentage of the profits they make. From both their sales and the sales made by those they recruit.

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1. Multi-level marketing is basically a system of retailing. An individual becomes a distributor for an established multi-level marketing (MLM) company. You can either sell consumer products or services. Additionally, you can recruit, train and manage others. They also sell the products or services. You benefit because you receive a percentage of the profits they make. From both their sales and the sales made by those they recruit.

3. Personal Qualities to succeed in Network Marketing. It is determination, willingness to work, persistence and perseverance, stamina, self-discipline, willingness to take risks, and enthusiasm.

The first quality is determination. Determination - by far this is the biggest quality because if things don't go right for you at first in your business, you have to keep on. You see, everyone's allowed to make a few mistakes. The main thing is try not to be put off when you hit difficulties. Follow up techniques will help you to succeed.

The second is willingness to work. You see, in some companies there are bonuses call Fast Start Bonuses which are bonuses that are paid from recruiting a distributor. Your willingness to work means that sometimes you are likely to work longer hours than the average employee. But when your business is established (successful) some of the pressure may ease, but you must still be prepared or still expect to work longer and harder than most people who are in paid employment.

Next qualities are persistence and perseverance. You see, successful people let nothing get in the way of them achieving their goals. If they encounter any problems in their business they always try to find ways to overcome them. If their first attempt does not succeed they try a different approach; and, if that doesn't work they try another. They are not put off by pitfalls, and they are not easily discouraged. Persistence is the key when you are learning to invest.

Stamina. Stamina and at least reasonably good health are important. For example, you are a self-employed sole trader and if you are not working you won't be generating any income. If for instance, you let down a customer because of sickness, next time he is likely to go elsewhere. It will not only help you, but help your business as well.

Self-discipline.  If your business is to go on running successfully, it is important that you have a lot of self-discipline to fulfill all your responsibilities and to see a job through to the end.

Willingness to take risks. When you are in a job you have the security of getting a regular wage or salary, but as a self-employed person there is no guarantee what your income will be from one month to the other. For this reason, you will find that you have to make decisions. Decisions about where and how to advertise your business. So, your willingness to take risks will not only be satisfying and enjoyable, but it can be a way for you to solve problems and you making decisions that can give you a sense of power and confidence.

The last quality is Enthusiasm. If you are enthusiastic you will relish the challenges your business presents; and your enthusiasm will rub off onto customers, and other people you have to deal with. An important key to your success in network marketing is try not to let yourself be easily influenced by what other people say.





























































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