
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Ноября 2011 в 11:08, курсовая работа


The theme of this work sounds as following: “Homonyms in modern English”. This work can be characterized by the following:
The actuality of the work caused by several important points. We seem to say that the appearance of new, homonymic meanings is one of the main trends in development of Modern English, especially in its colloquial layer, which, in its turn at high degree is supported by development of modern informational technologies and simplification of alive speech. So the significance of our work can be proved by the following reasons:

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        This elementary example can give a very general idea of the procedure which can be used for solving more complicated problems. We may sum up our discussion by pointing out that whereas distinction between polysemy homonymy is relevant and important for lexicography it is not relevant for the practice of either human or machine translation. The reason for this is that different variants of a polysemantic word are not less conditioned by context then lexical homonyms. In both cases the identification of the necessary meaning is based on the corresponding distribution that can signal it and must be present in the memory either of the pupil or the machine. The distinction between patterned and non-patterned homonymy, greatly underrated until now, is of far greater importance. In non-patterned homonymy every unit is to be learned separately both from the lexical and grammatical points of view. In patterned homonymy when one knows the lexical meaning of a given word in one part of speech, one can accurately predict the meaning when the same sound complex occurs in some other part of speech, provided, of course, that there is sufficient context to guide one.14 


       I think it’s high time to make the conclusion. So, words identical in sound-form but different in meaning are traditionally termed homonymous. Modern English is exceptionally rich in homonymous words and word-forms.

    According to the classification which is given by I.V. Arnold homonyms can be:

    1. Homonyms proper;

    2. Homophones;

    3. Homographs. 

    Homonyms may also be classified into full and partial. It’s A.I. Smirnitsky’ classification.

    There are a lot of different sources of homonyms in English language, but the most important are: phonetic changes, borrowing, conversion, shortening, disintegration or split of polysemy.

    Having analyzed the problem of homonyms in Modern English we could do the following conclusions:

    a) The problem of homonyms in Modern English is very actual nowadays.

    b) There are several problematic questions in the field of homonymy the major of which are the problem of distinguishing of homonyms and polysemantic words, the problem of different meanings of the same homonym in terms of distribution and the problem of difference between patterned and non-patterned homonymy.

    c) A number of famous linguists dealt with the problem of homonyms in Modern English. In particular, A.I.Smirnitsky, I.V.Arnold, R.S.Ginzburg, S.S.Khidekel, G. Y. Knyazeva, A. A. Sankin, G.B.Antrushina, O.V. Afanaseva, N.N.Morozova, V.V. Vinogradov etc.

    d) The problem of homonymy is still waiting for its detail investigation. 


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