Human Resource Jobs

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Января 2013 в 20:47, статья


Human Resource Jobs - a comprehensive, focused on the impact on the team in order to ensure optimal conditions for creative, proactive, conscious of some of its employees work towards achieving the goals of the company. a comprehensive scientific approach to working with the staff at this stage includes:
1) human resource planning;
2) the study and evaluation of staff;
3) the recruitment, selection and appointment of staff;
4) training and education.

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Human Resource Jobs - a comprehensive, focused on the impact on the team in order to ensure optimal conditions for creative, proactive, conscious of some of its employees work towards achieving the goals of the company. [11], [12], [13], [14] a comprehensive scientific approach to working with the staff at this stage includes: 
1) human resource planning; 
2) the study and evaluation of staff; 
3) the recruitment, selection and appointment of staff; 
4) training and education. 
Human resource management is of particular importance in the hospitality industry as well as the provision of services in the presence of the guest. In this regard, staff hotel companies formed a strategic factor required for the efficient operation of the enterprise. [15], [16], [17]

Policy motivation in the development of collective labor organization and the involvement of all employees in the management aims to develop cooperation with the administration staff to achieve common goals. 
The ongoing changes in the economy and convert the approaches in this field. Human resource management is one of the most important trends in the organization of the hotel, a key component of the business and is considered the main criteria for its economic success. In the area human resource management is gradually shifting the emphasis from the technocratic approaches, which are strictly regulated by the content of the work process, to a systems approach, which is based on long-term development of labor potential employees.

Important role in identifying ways to manage human resources and labor potential is playing personnel services. The problem of personnel services is that they are gradually transformed into centers for the development and implementation of strategies for labor organizations. This means that they need to assist in business development through the recruitment of highly skilled workers, their career planning, evaluation of operations and improving wages. Personnel work is no longer seen as a purely administrative carried out independently of other management functions. Now it is necessary to know the economic needs of the organization and in this regard to consider the activities of personnel service integrated with other structures. The result should be greater involvement of people in the business, knowledge of their duties and responsibilities, the development of labor potential, favorable psychological climate. It creates a kind of interoperability framework between line managers of different levels, which promptly provide their documentation when moving personnel and replacement positions. The function of human resource management changes - from passive support personnel office moves to actively participate in economic decisions, which ultimately generates the corresponding consensus in the organization.

The main content of HR services is: 
1) formation of cadres of the organization (planning, recruitment and selection, release, stress analysis, etc.); 
2) the development of workers (vocational guidance and training, appraisal and evaluation of staff, organization of promotion); 
3) improving the organization of labor and the promotion, creation of security conditions. 
The organization must be a strategy for the management of human resources: identified promising targets of personnel, updating and improvement, development of motivation. 
And same functions human resource management services of particular importance careful design techniques encourage all members of the labor process, and a differentiated approach to the labor potential in the development of general principles for the organization and work rules with the staff.


Needs of the enterprise in the labor force is determined by the demand for services and the level of labor productivity. Planning staff requirements - the process of determining the needs of the company. In summary, this process can be represented as: 
- HR policy - principles of employment, functions (responsibilities, type of work), the professional development of individuals; 
- Planning staff requirements - what and how much labor will be in a given point in time? 
- Planning of recruitment - external planning - where, how and when will additionally be employed staff?; Internal planning - which and how many employees when and for how long to be moved in the service, Promoted? 
- Planning staff reductions - what and how much labor should be left to the enterprise? What are the activities?

- Planning costs for recruitment and training of personnel - which provides for the cost of items on the formation and development of the organization? 
- Planning of professional training - what and how much training is necessary, new or existing personnel shall be evaluated on specified jobs? 
- Planning and development prospects of the staff - how many and which employees when and at what position will be appointed? 
Personnel policy in recruitment is to define the principles of employment, number of workers required to meet a set of quality features, secure methodology and professional development. [18], [19], [20], [21]

Management of the organization should always remember that it is responsible for the correct selection of people who could implement the firm's strategy, as well as for employees to feel good at work, and it would be consistent with their abilities and capabilities. 
Proper selection and placement of a positive effect on the growth of labor productivity, improvement of professional skills, the development of technical culture workers, prevents turnover. 
Staff turnover - care workers with the enterprise, either on its own initiative or on the initiative of the administration. In addition, there is a demographic movement of staff - to move employees due to age-related changes, the operational need. 
It is thought that the normal flow of up to 5% per year. 
Methods used in the admission and placement: 
- Passive (receiving the necessary information and reports, features, surveys, etc.) 
- Active (interview, observation, testing). 
Staff evaluation - identification to business and personal qualities of the individual requirements of the office or workplace. The basic criteria for judging the entries - education and work experience, behavior (demeanor), commitment, intellectual ability, manner of speaking, professional suitability. Benchmarks for employee - the amount of labor, the quality of work; attitude; thoroughness in work; willingness to cooperate within the enterprise. 
The most common form of business appraisal personnel in the enterprise is a periodic appraisal. For certification defined professional qualities and draws conclusions on their compliance office. There are two certification systems: 
- Expert (when the panel evaluates the system of criteria that's quite subjective); 
- A system of evaluation of the technical and technological parameters (eg time needed maid cleaning rooms, which system cleans the rooms, etc.). 
When hiring service employees should be paid due attention to beginners. For them to hold lectures, which tells the history of the hotel, show the place where they work, to acquaint with the closest co-workers to represent their line managers, if necessary, to teach certain skills: conducting a call, a behavior in extreme situations, first aid . 
Hotel staff should be able to create a welcoming atmosphere in the company, should be able to meet the request of friendly residents and for residents should exercise patience and restraint.


.4 Improvement of training in hotels 
The most important factor in effective work is timely and high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of staff, which contributes to an extensive range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Because of their high educational and training employees have the opportunity to technologically "see" much more of their direct responsibilities? [22], [23], [24] 
In connection with the release of the hotel industry in the independent sector grows the need for professional personnel of the hotel. Hospitality requires special skills and comprehensive training. The effectiveness of the process for receiving and servicing hotel guests depends first of all on the precise organization of work and quality performance of service personnel of their duties. To improve the quality and standards of service in hotels should pay more attention to the training and retraining, and staff development. 
To ensure compliance with professional knowledge and skills necessary training and training, skills development. Staff training ensures that the professional knowledge and skills of the current level of production.

Training includes four main aspects: 
- Training, 
- Training, 
- Retraining, 
- Additional professional education. 
The purpose of any training - to learn to interpret the phenomena of the environment so as to best navigate it and adapt their behavior in this environment. 
Training is based on the calculations of staffing certain professions and skills. Staff training is the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills within the range of qualifying characteristics of the initial skill level. 
Training, depending on the level of education, are engaged in: 
1) primary - vocational education - schools, schools working skills; 
2) secondary vocational education - technical schools and colleges; 
3) higher education - vocational education - institutions, universities and academies; 
4) additional post-graduate education - graduate, doctorate. 
In St. Petersburg, train personnel for the hospitality such institutions as: 
1. State educational institution of secondary education "Petrovsky College"; 
2.Sankt Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University; 
3. St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance; 
4. St. Petersburg State University; 
5. Baltic Academy of Tourism and Business, and others. 
In these schools a lot of attention paid to the following subjects: management in the tourism industry, management in the hospitality service, technology catering products, economics, accounting and control in the tourism industry, etc. 
The training is targeted specifically directed learning, which is the ultimate goal - to ensure a sufficient number of employees the company whose professional quality fully meet production and business goals of the enterprise. Staff training is required in cases when: a worker comes to the enterprise; employee appointed to a new position or instruct him to a new job, the employee does not have enough skills to do their jobs, there are serious changes in the economy of the company or in the environment. Targeted professional development depends on the completeness, accuracy and relevance of the existing or the information obtained. 
Professional development - the constant updating process knowledge. 
Professional development is to improve professional knowledge and skills acquired during training. 
Professional development management system based on the following principles: 
- A planned, systematic and continuous expansion of knowledge; 
- The frequency and the obligation to attend school; 
- Differentiation of curricula and programs for categories of workers; 
- Provision of the educational process. 
The basic requirements for ensuring the efficiency of development of training programs, is as follows: 
- For training need motivation, people need to understand the purpose of education; 
- To create conditions conducive to learning; 
- If the skills acquired during the training complex, the process must be divided into the stages. 
Re-training means training skilled workers to change their professional profile to achieve compliance with the requirements of production skills. 
Re-training using modern techniques using various forms of technical training systems thinking, develop the ability to make decisions, a high degree of independence, the activity, the desire for self-development. The use of active learning methods for retraining helps people develop skills efficiently and effectively perform their tasks. 
Researchers have identified two main models of training: 
- Training on the job. Theoretical courses in vocational schools and practical training in the enterprise; 
- Training with giving up work in specialized vocational schools and training centers. 
It is advisable to organize training within blocks of disciplines: management, marketing, sales, finance, new methods of accounting, etc. All of these disciplines should be focused on the hospitality industry. 
The problem of re-training and professional development comes to the fore because of permanent total obsolescence of knowledge and expertise of previous impairment, caused by NTP, as well as the loss of natural knowledge. Accordingly, the development of skills can be defined as the process of improving the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve the professional skills of workers, the development of advanced equipment, technology, organization of work, production and management. 
Professional development has a positive impact on employees. Increasing the skills and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and receive additional professional development opportunities both within the enterprise and beyond.



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