Delete Keys – Clipboard Technology

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Февраля 2013 в 22:54, реферат


For the last generation, Silicon Valley and Tokyo have been working to design computers that are ever easier to use. There is one thing, however, that has prevented the machines from becoming their user-friendliest: you still have to input data with a keyboard, and that can require you to do a lot of typing and to memorize a lot of elaborate commands.

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Delete Keys – Clipboard Technology

For the last generation, Silicon Valley and Tokyo have been working to design computers that are ever easier to use. There is one thing, however, that has prevented the machines from becoming their user-friendliest: you still have to input data with a keyboard, and that can require you to do a lot of typing and to memorize a lot of elaborate commands.

Enter the clipboard computer, a technology that has been in development for the last 20 years but took hold in the mass market only in 1993. Clipboard PCs – which, as their name suggests, are not much bigger that an actual clipboard – replacethe keyboard with a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen and an electronic stylus. Users input data by printing individual letters directly on the screen.

There are two technologies at work in a clipboard PC: one allows raw data to get into the computer to figure out what data means. The first technology relies principally on hardware and varies depending on the particular computer. In one system, marketed under the name GRIDPad, the computer’s LCD screen is covered with a transparent conductive coating. Voltage is sent across the glass in horizontal and vertical lines forming a fine grid, the voltage is slightly different. When the stylus – which is essentially a voltmeter- touches the screen, it informs the computer of the voltage at that point. The computer uses this information to determine where the stylus is and causes a liquid crystal pixel to appear at those coordinates. The position of the stylus is monitored several hundred times a second, so as the stylus moves across the glass, whole strings of pixels are activated.

         “What we do is sort of connect the dots”, says Jeff Hawkins, the creator of GRIDPad. “Users can then write whatever they want on the screen witch a king of electronic ink”. Marking that writing comprehensible to the computer, however, requires the help of some powerful software. When the stylus is being used, the computer is programmed to look for moments when the tip does not touch the screen for a third of a second or more. Every time this happens – and it happens a lot when somebody is printing – the software assumes that one letters or number has been written. The pixel positions of this fresh character are then passed on the computer’s pattern recognition software, witch instantly identifies the letter or number written.


The software does this by first cleaning up the character – smoothing out crooked lines and removing errant dots. The remaining lines and curves are then compared with a series of templates in the computer’s memory that represent hundreds of thousands of different versions of every letter in the English alphabet and all ten numerals. When the computer finds the closest match, it encodes the character in memory and displays it on the screen as if it had been typed. The entire process takesjust a fraction of a second. To delete a word, you simply draw a line through it. To move to the next page you flick the stylus at the bottom of the screen as if you are flicking the page of a book.

There are a handful of clipboard computers now on the market, including GRIDPad, which is sold in the US: Penvision, manufactured by NCR and sold around the world, and Sony’s Palmtop and Canon’s Al Note, both sold only in Japan. IBM and Apple are also pouring millions of dollars into the technology.

In addition to this hardware, a variety of software is also making its way to the market. Depending on the power of the computer and the sophistication of the software, clipboard systems can be programmed to understand the particular quirks of a particular user’s printing: this is an especially useful feature in Japan, where elaborate kanji characters make up most of the written language. Improvements in software may soon allow machines sold in the US to understand not only printing but continuous script as well.

Given such flexibility, the designers of clipboard computers are predicting big things – and a big market – for their products. We are going to own one of these things in the not-too-distant future.



Exercise 1

Deciding  whether the following statements are true (t) or false(f) in relation

to the information in the text. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.

1. The Americans and Japanese are working together to produce user-friendlier computers

2. The clipboard computer was first sold twenty years ago.

3. On a clipboard, an electronic pen replaces the traditional keyboard.

4. In the GRIDPad system, when the pen touches screen, it informs the computer and a liquid crystal pixel appears at that point.

5. The software decides that one character or number is complete if the tip of the stylus is not in contact with the screen for more than half a second.

6. The whole process of recognizing letters or numonbers and printing them on the screen takes very little time.

7. There are many clipboard computers sold today which are all available everywhere in the world.

8. Clipboard system can be made to understand any kind of writing.

Exercise 2

Use the information in the text to complete the dialogue in your own words.

  1. How big is a clipboard PC?

A. Does it have a keyboard?     


A. How does the computer know when one letter or number is complate?


A. And how does the computer recognize different letters?


A. Can you delete a word after you have written it?

B. Yes

A. Are these systems capable of recognizing joined writing?

Exercise 3

Find words that have a similar meaning to

1 Understand      a. marketed

2 sold       b. to figure out

3 covering       c. coating

4 points       d. connect

5 join       e. coordinates

6 making even      f. crooked

7 not straight      g. smoothing out

8 made by mistake        h. flick

9 move quickly and sharply    i. errant

10 unique features     j. quirks

Exercise 4

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. You may have to change some words slightly.

  1. Electron, electronic, electronics, electronically.
    1. An____________ pen is one example of an input device.
    1. A computer solves problems ____________.
    2. Many __________ students go on to work as engineers.  
  1. Technology, technologist, technological, technologically.
    1. The computer is the greatest _______________ invention of the twentieth century.
    2. There are two ___________ involved a clipboard PC.
    3. Today’s computers are _____________  the superior to those used a few years ago.
  1. Identify, identifying, identifiable, identity.
    1. The clipboard’s pattern recognition software immediately __________ the letters and numbers written by the stylus.
    2. Most computer companies will not allow people without an _________ card to enter their premises.
    3. A password is a mechanism for ___________ the computer-user and allowing access.


  1. Compute, computing, computation, computerize, computerization.
    1. The ___________ of the manufacturing division will be expensive in the short term, but cost-effective in the long term.
    1. We should able to __________ our profit for next year fairly accuarately with the new program.
    2. I could tell from all the  _______ on the board that a maths lesson was in progress.


Exercise 5

Discuss the following questions:

  1. What are the limitations of portable computers?
  2. Do you think students should be allowed to use portable computers in class?

Before reading the text, try to decide which of the following definitions best describes a management information system:

    1. A system for supplying information to management
    2. A system for managing information
    3. A system which supplies information about management


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