Definition of slang

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Ноября 2012 в 07:07, курсовая работа


The interest of researchers for different types of profanity, especially for such a specific, as slang, has always existed.
And it is understandable, since slang attracts by its metaphors, expressiveness and "nontraditional" category: "Slang is
used in stylistic purposes: to create the effect of novelty, unusual, different from the accepted samples for transmission
a certain mood of the speaker, to give utterance concreteness, vividness, visibility, accuracy, brevity, imagery, and
it helps to avoid cliches. "

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I think even if I ever die, and they stick me in the cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it’ll say “Holden Caulfield” on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under it that it’ll say “Fuck you”. I’m positive, in fact.


Мне иногда кажется—во, я умру, попаду на кладбище, поставят надо мной памятник, напишут «Холден  Колфилд», и год рождения, и год  смерти, а под этим всем кто-нибудь нацарапает похабщину. Уверен, что так  оно и будет.

Euphemistic translation consists in replacement of words of the original bearing a strong or rough expression on words with less strong expression in transfer. In the example given above an obscene for the native speaker of English the curse "fuck you" is replaced with a colloquial word obscenities with "softer" expression.

What I liked about her, she didn't give you a lot of horse manure about what a great guy her father was.

 Понравилось мне то, что она тебе не вкручивала,  какой  у  нее замечательный папаша.

What the hellya reading ?  - Что ты  читаешь ?

In this case, the lexical technique - compensation is used, which is expressed in replacing the stylistically colored words on the stylistically neutral, as there is no a neutral colored counterpart to the word «hellya» in the Russian language .

...Не made a speech that lasted about ten hours.

...Он отгрохал речь  часов на десять.

This transfer, as well as all similar cases,  is necessary to consider quite equivalent. The matter is that the use of marked on style and the register  words, for example "отгрохать" instead of neutral "make" is here a compensation which compensates the loss of the corresponding stylistic and register characteristic in other places of the translating text.

You could tell he was very ashamed of his parents and all, because they said 'he don't' and 'she don't' and stuff like that...

Сразу было видно, что он стесняется своих родителей, потому что они говорили «хочут» и  «хочете», и все в таком роде...

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