British families

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Апреля 2013 в 14:09, сочинение


In comparison with most other places in the world, family identity is rather weak in Britain, especially in England. Of course, most people still live in families. But in Britain, this definitely means the nuclear family (нуклеарная семья, состоящая из родителей и их детей). There is little sense of extended family identity (расширенная семья) except among racial minorities (расовые меньшинства). This is reflected in the size and composition of households. It is unusual for adults of different generations within the family to live together.

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British families

In comparison with most other places in the world, family identity is rather weak in Britain, especially in England. Of course, most people still live in families. But in Britain, this definitely means the nuclear family (нуклеарная семья, состоящая из родителей и их детей). There is little sense of extended family identity (расширенная семья) except among racial minorities (расовые меньшинства). This is reflected in the size and composition of households. It is unusual for adults of different generations within the family to live together. The average number of people living in each family in Britain is lower than in most other European countries.

Significant (значительные) family events such as weddings, births and funerals are not accompanied by large gatherings of people. It is still common to give people certain roles in such occasions (события), such as ‘best man’ at a wedding, or godmother or godfather when a child is born. For most people these roles do not imply (подразумевать) lifelong responsibilities.

Even the stereotypical nuclear family of father, mother and children is becoming less common. Britain has a higher rate of divorce than anywhere else in Europe and the proportion of children born outside marriage has risen dramatically (резко возрасти). However, these trends do not necessarily mean that the nuclear family is disappearing. Divorces have increased (увеличиваться) but the majority of marriages do not break down.


Translate the following:

Нуклеарная семья

Расширенная семья

Это отражается в размерах и составе семьи


Значительные семейные события

Собрания людей

Крестная мать/ отец

Становиться менее распространенным

Дети, рожденные вне брака

Процент разводов

Распадаться (о браке)


Answer the questions:

  1. Is the family identity strong in Britain? Why?
  2. What is typical of a British family?
  3. Describe family events in Britain? How is it different from other country?
  4. Are divorces common in Britain?
  5. What can you say about a typical Belarussian family?

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