Alexander Tuchkov and Margarita Naryshkina

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Ноября 2012 в 12:50, реферат


1. The Love story of Margaret Naryshkina and Alexander Tuchkov is called the most beautiful Love of the XIX century. The story of this love could be the basis of a large novel. Perhaps even an adventure…
They knew what love and faithfulness meant. This is the story of self-denial for the sake of their loved ones .
2. Alexander A. Tuchkov came from an old noble family, whose founder moved from Prussia to Russia. In the family of

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Alexander Tuchkov and Margarita Naryshkina

(“The Love of the Century.”)


                                                                             "And only death will separate us”


Dedicated to Bicentennial Anniversary of the Battle of Borodino




2.Alexander Tuchkov, a man of high honor and duty

3.Beautiful Margarita ,born to a noble ancient and famous boyar family

4.Fateful Meeting

5.Life as “The Love of the Century”


-In war as in war

-Horrible (nightmarish) dreams

-A heroic battle near the village of Semyonov

-Margaret in the battlefield

-A small temple “In Memory of Deceased Love”



1. The Love story of Margaret Naryshkina and Alexander Tuchkov is called the most beautiful Love of the XIX century. The story of this love could be the basis of a large novel. Perhaps even an adventure…

They knew what love and faithfulness meant. This is the story of self-denial for the sake of their loved ones .

2. Alexander A. Tuchkov came from an old noble family, whose founder moved from Prussia to Russia. In the family of Engineer Lieutenant-General Alexander Tuchkov Alexander was the youngest of five sons, the generals men of high honor and duty, which kept the Russian army.

Four of them (Nicholas, Paul, Sergey and Alexander) achieved the rank of generals and were involved in the war of 1812.

1800,November 27: Tuchkov was appointed commander of the 6th Artillery Regiment.


3.Margaret M. Tuchkova was born January 2, 1781 to a noble ancient and famous boyar family, from where once came the queen of Natalia, the mother of Peter the Great.

Since her childhood, Margaret showed extraordinary curiosity, desire for learning. She had a stubborn character, was a proud ,energetic and passionate girl.In her home she was called a spark. Margaret was married at sixteen and, probably, was confident in her good fortune. But her husband was a gambler and a rowdy. They were divorced in two years.

Young Margaret got brilliant education at home, could speak several foreign languages, had a soft pleasant voice, played music perfectly. Apart from these necessary for any secular girl's skills, Margaret was seriously interested in the natural sciences: botany, anatomy, medicine, had wide knowledge of geography and logic, read and thought a lot.


4.And then he appeared ....They were introduced to each other at one of the social events. It is not surprising to imagine that Margarita Naryshkina fell deeply in love with Alexander Tuchkov, a young Colonel of the Revelsky Infantry Regiment with his romantic look, and awards on his chest and he was also in love with her, charmed by her clever and sweet speech, beautiful voice, shining eyes ...Gradually the acquaintance grew into a tender friendship.


           5. Margaret lost her sleep: she suffered whether he needed a divorced exhausted with life woman, not so young in those days? She had never felt jealous of her friends until she met Alexander. And now she suffered because of not being so beautiful, moreover being that ugly. And he? Any girl would be happy of having his name, being his true friend.

So Alexander left them without saying goodbye. But one day Margaret received a small envelope.With shaking fingers she tore the envelope…Poems in French were written on a blue sheet, each line ended with the words: "Who owns my heart? Beautiful Margarita!” "Did she believe that? Most likely, she did because in case our beloved friends think we are beautiful then beautiful we really are.

Their correspondence lasted four years.Soon Tuchkov made an offer, asking for the hand of Margarita but the parents rejected his proposal; "How can she think about a new marriage?"Only in 1806, when Margaret was 25 years, they agreed to their marriage.


The Wedding of Margaret and Alexander took place in a small temple in Moscow Prechistenka. According to a legend, on the day of the wedding a beggar in rags threw a stick under the feet of the bride. "Mother Mary! Take the stick!", he cried. In horror Margaret took it from the hands of an old man. And these words were a prediction: many years later, having become the abbess of the monastery of the Borodino Savior and having received the baptism in the new name of Mary, each evening Margaret Tuchkova used to bypass the monastery courtyard, leaning on the oak stick, presented to her on her wedding day by a holy fool.

The marriage took place, but the young Tuchkovs were not even given time for a honeymoon since the war with Napoleon was approaching.

1806,:Alexander married Margarita Mikhailovna Naryshkina.

-1806: Tuchkov was transferred to the Tauride Grenadier Regiment

-1808: December 24: Tuchkov was promoted to major general.

-1809, May: Tuchkov was asked to command the vanguard in the case of General P.A.Shuvalova. After the Russian-Swedish war Tuchkov asked to fire him to resign, but his military reputation was so high that he was appointed the commander of the brigade, which consisted of Revel and Murom Infantry Regiments.


Margaret M. accompanied her husband in the Swedish campaign and shared with him all the hardships of military life, in the form of orderly, hiding her hair under a cap,for the wives were not allowed to be with the army on the march. She was a nurse in the Russian army: she created points for the starving population in areas of fighting. In the Finnish campaign, she lived in tents in the fierce cold , she had to make her way with the troops through snow, cross the river in the icy water to her waist.

One day, Margarita saw a nightmarish dream: on the bluish-(again, this colour), bloody piece of paper stood out the inscription: "Ton sort se decidera a Borodino" (“Your fate will be decided in Borodino."). Margaret woke up her husband; in a panic she screamed: "You ‘ll be killed at Borodino!, what is it? Where is it? "Alexander raised his head and said sleepily:" Come, my dear ... Borodino is somewhere in Italy, calm yourself.. "He then did not know the fact that from Moscow to the small village of Borodino, is less than a hundred miles. Alexander Tuchkov comforted his wife and ordered to bring a map. Having not found the mysterious Borodino, both calmed down, pushing away the horrible dream.Who would have thought then that an unknown village of Borodino would go down in history of Russia.

1812 has come ..All around breathed anticipation of a new war. A few months later, in June 1812 , Napoleon attacked Russia with a huge army. Tuchkov was ordered to move to Smolensk with his regiment . Having blessed his wife and son he went to the last general campaign. Tuchkov’s Regiment was located in the Minsk province.

One night, Margaret had an awful dream again: her husband brings to her their baby Nikolenka in his arms and says, "That's all left! for you"Very soon, Margarita realized that a longtime dream could turn into reality ...


-In war as in war….In early 1812 Tuchkov was the chief of Revelsky Infantry Regiment, which was part of 3rd Infantry Corps of the 1st Western Army. He was the brigade commander as well. Tuchkov’s brigade fought courageously against the enemy Death caught up with Tuchkov twice: at Vitebsk, Smolensk and Lubin.

The unknown to anyone village of Borodino was chosen to be the place of the battle 
The famous battle took place on 26 (8.09) in August 1812, two and a half months after the General Tuchkov said goodbye to his wife.


On that day, in a battle near the village of Semyonov, Tuchkov raised his regiment in the attack. It seemed that there was no force that could raise people to the counter attack.He inspired the soldiers of the Revelsky Infantry Regiment under the heavy enemy fire: "You're standing? – I’ll go alone ! - shouted Tuchkov, as he noticed the soldiers hesitating. He grabbed the banner and rushed forward. He was deadly wounded in the chest by a bullet.Tuchkov fell to the hands of his soldiers. They tried to carry their beloved commander from the battlefield. It happened in the middle of the Semyonovskaya flush.The soldiers were not able to carry him out of the battlefield. French bomb packed with gunpowder, iron ball, hit the stretcher on which the soldiers were carrying the commander… The fire of the artillery shells completely absorbed the hero on the Battle of Borodino, and nothing left of his body, it was gone, dissolved in this hell.

On September 1, 1812, Margaret M., returning from a church service, received the notice of the death of her husband. The notice described the last minutes of Alexander.

Margaret quickly got together and set off to the battlefield. She hoped she might find the remains of her husband…

 She knew the place where her husband died. It was the Semenovsky redoubt. The real Hell. One can not imagine what this woman saw on the battlefield. The field was strewn with fifty thousand dead bodies, pecked by birds, eaten by wolves, plundered by looters, frozen in a variety of positions among the tens of thousands of dead horses. For two days she was searching for her Alexander together with a monk of the neighboring monastery. Margaret was looking for the remains of her husband but found nothing. This gave hope to Margarita. What if it were a mistake? And what if he was in captivity?

What drove her to a terrible place to a huge tomb closure of seventy thousand people?

She returned home. And couldn’t believe that Alexander was dead. she used to wake in the night and run through the forest on a large tract. She thought that her husband returned and she was meeting him ...


-With great difficulty she passed that test, and then an idea came to her mind: since it is not possible to bury Alexander as a Christian, it is necessary to build a church, a small temple of the Divine Savior (Spassa Nerukotvornogo) at the place where his body dissolved in the ground. And so she did. And widows from all Russian provinces pulled here to the temple to pray for their killed men. And anyone who saw a modest church of Glaucus, removed his hat, remembering with gratefulness defenders of the Russian land.


            6. So Mother Superior Maria, formerly Margaret Tuchkova, survived her husband for 40 years. She left about not only the story of love and devotion, not only the church and monastery. She opened her sisters the secret of Naryshkin special bread that was made to commemorate the dead. Now the bread is called ”Borodinsky”.

Margaret Tuchkova was not a saint, did not perform miracles, did not heal the sick and was not even included in the annals of the Church as a martyr and righteous one. But actually it was Margaret Tuchkova who, like thousands of other Russian women, had lost her dear people and remained faithful to their memory to the end of her life. She, like thousands of russian women,was only carrying her cross, as she could, and probably until her dying day, no doubt, was in charge on the chosen path, like her husband in his hour of death at this same place, the Semenovsky flushes, 26 August 1812.


Contemporaries called the Love story of the hero of the war in 1812, General Alexander Alekseevich. Tuchkov and his wife Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova (Naryshkina)

“The Love of the Century.”










Requiem for the A.A General Tuchkov at Borodino.

Artist Simon Kojin MM

Mother Superior Maria

formerly Margaret Tuchkova

Artist Michael Storozhev



Марина Цветаева 
Генералам двенадцатого года 

Ах, на гравюре полустертой, 
В один великолепный миг, 
Я встретила, Тучков-четвертый, 
Ваш нежный лик.

И вашу хрупкую фигуру, 
И золотые ордена... 
И я, поцеловав гравюру, 
Не знала сна...


Marina Tsvetaeva 
To theGenerals of the twelfth year 

Oh, Barely in the engraving, 
In a wonderful moment 
I met, Tuchkov- the fourth, 
You and Your gentle face. 
And your fragile figure, 
And the golden Orders of ... 
And having kissed engraving 
I did not know a dream ...



     Tuchkov’s Tomb at Borodino





Place of birth-Kiev

Place of death-Borodino

Membership -   of Russia

Kind of troops - Infantry

Years of service -1788 - 1812 
The rank-of major Genera

Honors and Awards -

-Order: George 4th

-St. Vladimir 3rd., 
-Anne of the 2nd with diamonds.

Alexander A. Tuchkov

(March 7, 1778 - August 26, 1812)

- Russian commander, Major General, was killed during the Battle of Borodino.

George Dow. The War Gallery of the Winter Palace, Hermitage

(St. Petersburg)

Tuchkov’s portrait - one of the most memorable in the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace.  AG Varnek - author of the image, from which Doe wrote this portrait, managed to convey a charming romantic image of the hero. It's a sad thoughtful face of the young general, as if foreboding his early death. Probably at the request of M.Tuchkova, the widow of a general, the painter depicted on his uniform a medal for his heroic death at Borodino.

Tuchkova (Naryshkina) Margarita

(January 2, 1781- April 29,1852 ).

The wife of General Alexander Tuchkov, the hero of Borodino.

Margaret M. Tuchkova (Naryshkina) was born to an noble ancient and famous boyar family, from where once came the queen of Natalia, the mother of Peter the Great.

Margaret Naryshkina was the sister of Decembrist Naryshkin.

After her husband’s heroic death at Borodino, she founded the Borodino Savior Convent.

Author: Michael Storozhev 
Website: Secrets of seduction
















V.M. Glinka., PomarnatskyA.V.”Tuchkov Alexander Alekseevich” // Military gallery of the Winter Palace. 3-e Izd. Leningrad, 1981. - с.167-170.

Podmazo: “The Russian army in June ,1812”||The Motherland. №8. 2002

E.V.Тарле. The invasion of Napoleon in Russia

M.I.Bogdanovich: “The history of the Patriotic war of 1812 in 3 volumes

The article: “The history of the Тuchkovs”

The article "Love Story. Margarita Naryshkin and Alexander Tuchkov

The article "Eternal Rest: Margarita Tuchkova"

The article "Portrait of A.A.Tuchkov and the story of his love"

The article "Once fiercely will you take the heart and the rock..."

Информация о работе Alexander Tuchkov and Margarita Naryshkina