Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Мая 2011 в 17:23, курсовая работа


Генетически модифицированные организмы – это организмы, в которых генетический материал (ДНК) изменен невозможным в природе способом. ГМО могут содержать фрагменты ДНК из любых других живых организмов.
Цель получения генетически измененных организмов – улучшение полезных характеристик исходного организма-донора (устойчивость к вредителям, морозостойкость, урожайность, калорийность и другие) для снижения себестоимости продуктов. В результате сейчас существует картофель, который содержит гены земляной бактерии, убивающей колорадского жука, стойкая к засухам пшеница, в которую вживили ген скорпиона, помидоры с генами морской камбалы, соя и клубника с генами бактерий.


1. Definition of GMO
1.2 History of GMOs
1.3 Companies producers of GMOs
1.4 Products containing GMOs
2.National regulation on use and marketing
2.1 in USA
2.2 in EU
2.3 in Japan
2.4 in Developing countries
3.Harm of GMO
1. the negative impact of GMOs on human body
2. the negative impact of GMOs on environment
4.Problems of GMO in Russia
5.GMOs: pros and cons.Is there a threat to the security of Russia?
6.Possible steps

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It has more difficult appeared to work with consumers H'M production, which steels to express the big concern in safety GM foodstuff. Campaigns against GM-products have begun with the middle of 1990th years. In 1997 the first global companies against H'M articles of food have been spent. Despite it, the number opposing GM-production in Europe has decreased from 54 % in 1997 to 43 % in 2000 information sources on GM-production there were, first of all, associations of consumers (26 % interrogated received the information from them), then physicians (24 %) and the ecological organizations (14 %). Suppressing the majority of the population of Europe supports necessity of special marks GM production. In EU the basic strategy in relation to GM-production – refusal or

restriction GM foodstuff. To satisfy demand, in the USA and Canada some trading companies and the food-processing industry companies start to separate GM-culture from traditional cultures. Besides such division there is more and more popular a concept «preservations authenticity »(the joint venture,« Identity Preservation »), i.e cleaned GM sources, and marks GM-products.

The WTO until recently didn't consider the social and economic risks connected with ГМО. In particular, that export GMO can lead to disappearance of traditional cultures and blasting of local cultural traditions in the countries-importers. At the same time, some agreements in frameworks

The WTO, including the Sanitary and Fytosanitory Agreement (SPS), Technical barriers of the trading agreement (TBT) and the Agreement on intellectual property in trade sphere (TRIPS), contain the points devoted to a problem of biosafety.

It seems that the companies using GM-products, promptly lose the European markets. After "McDonald's" GM-vegetables refuse to buy other networks of "fast food". The increasing distribution to Europe and on other continents receives movement «slow food »(it is literally –« a slow food », – based on cultivation and use in manufacture of non-polluting products). Reflecting these tendencies, to the USA the area sowed GM-corn have decreased on 22 %, GM-soya – on 15 %

It is not excluded, what exactly therefore manufacturers GMO is especially active last years aspire to Russia

Информация о работе ГМО