Контрольная работа по "Английский язык"

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Найдите английским словам русские эквиваленты

h-товар (сырьевой)

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Специальность «   Финансы и кредит   »







По дисциплине:   Английский язык








Студент 1 курса

 1 семестр

Ф.И.О. (полностью) Брюхова  Ирина Юрьевна







Петропавловск, (2010 год)


Часть I Лексико - грамматическая


Упражнение 2

Найдите английским словам русские эквиваленты


  1. money


  1. commodity

h-товар (сырьевой)

  1. goods


  1. service


  1. coins


  1. transaction


  1. gold


  1. silver

о - серебро

  1. copper


  1. currency


  1. gold standard

g-золотой стандарт

  1. valuable metal

j-ценный метал

  1. paper notes


  1. legal tender

k-законное платежное средство

  1. cheque


  1. money order

r-платежное поручение

  1. credit

d- кредит

  1. assets


  1. purchasing  power

l-покупательская способность

  1. supply


21. demand


22. inflation




Упражнении 3

Напишите  следующие предложения в отрицательной  форме.


  1. Bank serves as a reservoir of loanable money.

Bank doesn’t serve as a reservoir of loanable money.

  1. Banks have developed greatly from their original position as places of security for valuables

Banks haven’t developed greatly from their original position as places of  security for valuables

  1. Today banks are service industries which handle large sums of money On current and deposit account.

Today banks are not service industries which handle large sums of money  On current and deposit account.

  1. The whole banking system is based on simple acts of trust between all concerned. Without this trust modern banking would be impossible.

The whole banking system is not based on simple acts of trust between all  concerned. Without this trust modern banking would be impossible.


Упражнение 4

Прочитайте I абзац, выпишите фразы с глаголом « to be » и определите время и функцию глагола.


  1. are sold - Pr Simple Passive, вспомогательный глагол.
  2. is exchanged - Pr Simple Passive, вспомогательный глагол.
  3. is backed - Pr Simple Passive, вспомогательный глагол.


Упражнение 5

Напишите сравнительную  и превосходную степени следующих  прилагательных и наречий из текста.





1 essential

2 adequate

3 valuable

4 technically

5 good

6 considerable

7 difficult

8 large

9 basically

10 actual

11 specific

more essential

more adequate

more valuable

more technically


more considerable

more difficult


more basically

more actual

more specific

The most essential

The most adequate

The most valuable

The most technically

The best

The most considerable

The most difficult

The largest

The most basically

The most actual

The most specific


Упражнение 6

Составьте предложения, включив предложенные выражения  из текста.


  1. To provide somebody with money - обеспечить кого-то деньгами

My parent provide me with money. Мои родители обеспечивают меня деньгами.

  1. To sell for money - продавать за деньги

The house was sold for money to me. Дом был продан мне за деньги.

  1. Constant store of value - постоянный запас ценностей

My granny has constant store of value. У моей бабушки имеется постоянный запас ценностей.

  1. To be regarded – считаться

Sale for money is considered a part of our life. Продажа за деньги считается  частью нашей жизни

  1. Forgery - подделка, фальшивые деньги

It was the first time when I saw the forgery. Тогда  я впервые увидела фальшивые деньги.

  1. Division of labour – разделение труда

Every plant has a division of labour. На каждом заводе существует разделение труда.

  1. Efficient – действительный

I have an efficient ticket in my bag. В моей сумке лежит действительный билет.

  1. Medium=means – средство

One of the functions of money is medium exchange. Одна из функций денег  - обмен средствами.

  1. Consumption – потребление

The consumption of goods depends on the quality of goods. Потребление товаров зависит от качества товаров.

  1. Consumer – потребитель

The consumer plays the important role in economy. Потребитель играет важную роль в экономике.

  1. To safeguard= to ensure – обеспечить

Our state safeguards us with goods we need. Наше государство обеспечивает нас товарами, в которых мы нуждаемся.

  1. Smooth – ровный, плавный

My father has bought a new equal table. Мой папа купил новый ровный стол.


Упражнение 7

Ответьте на следующие  вопросы по тексту:


  1. What provides people with money?

The work which people undertake provides them with money.

  1. Are coins adequate for small transactions?

Coins are adequate for small transactions, while paper notes are used for general business.

  1. What condition is known as “inflation”?

It too much money is available its value decrease. This condition is known as  “inflation”.

  1. What is the most important function of money?

Money perform the function of a medium exchange, or means of payment with  goods being exchanged for money and money for goods.

  1. What does the role of money depend on?

The role of money depend on the state of development of an economy.

  1. What are the three functions of money?

The three functions of money are medium of exchange, unit of account and store of  value.

  1. What is the primary task of central banks all over the world?

Safeguarding monetary stability is the primacy fast of the central banks all ever the  world.


Упражнение 8

Переведите последний  абзац текста и напишите функции, которые выполняют деньги.


Три функции денег - среда обмена, единица счета и средства сбережения - могут быть выполнены, если есть большая уверенность в имеющей значение стабильности. Охрана денежно-кредитной стабильности является задачей первых центральных банков во всем мире. Кроме того, у центрального банка есть функция регулирования денежной массы, чтобы гарантировать гладкое функционирование денежной системы.

These three functions of money - medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value.


Упражнение 9

Напишите правильные (Т) неправильные (F) следующие предложения из текста


  1. The value of money isn’t basically its value.(F)
  2. Cheques and money orders are not legal fender. (T)
  3. People accept money in exchange for money. (F)
  4. Money performs the function of a medium of exchange. (T)
  5. The central bank has the function of regulating the money supply. (T)
  6. Money hasn’t become an essential element of economies based on the division of labour. (F)
  7. Valuable metal hasn’t been replaced by paper notes. (F)


Часть II Контрольный тест № 1


1. The first metal money … in Greece.

a) appear  b) appeared

c) appearing  d) appears

2. One of the main services of banks …  lending money.

a) am  b) are

c) is  d) were

3. Banks give customers check books and credit cards to use instead … cash.

a) out  b) in

c) of  d) with

4. Can you imagine life … money.

a) of  b) with

c) out  d) without

5. What particular skills do you think different kinds of … need?

a) accountant  b) accountancy

c) accountants  d) accounting

6. If you have to choose the career, do you think it could be … ?

a) an accountant  b) accountancy

c) accountants  d) accounting

7. … means keeping financial records, recoding income and expenditure, valuing assets  and liabilities, and so on.

a) accountant  b) accountancy

c) accountants  d) accounting

8.   Almost every country in the world … its national currency.

a) had   b) have

c) has   d) having

9.  We pay … interest on deposit accounts.

a) high  b) higher

c) highest  d) the high

10.  The Capital Saving bank was founded in 1878 and now it is  … saving bank in he  country.

a) old   b) older

c) oldest  d) the oldest

11. The current exchange rate is over eight French franks to the pound.

a) 8  b) 9

c) 10  d) 11

12.  The credit card company …  send you a statement of what you owe.  

a) do  b) does

c) will d) don’t

13.   People on a low income spend all the money they … on daily necessities.

a) had  b) has

c) have d) having

14. Today, in our lives and in the economy, money , coins, banknotes and credit cards  … a very important role.

a) plays b) play

c) played d) playing

15.  … costs change neither in the short term nor with increases in production.

a) Free  b) Fixed

c) Fix  d) Fixing

16.A loan to buy property or real estate, with the property ( house,         apartment,  etc.) serving as a guarantee for the loan is … .

a) profit  b) debt

c) mortgage  d) deposit

17.  A company’s owners are … .

a) share   b) holder

c) shareholder  d) shareholders

18. The revenues received by the company during a given period is … 

a) income  b) debt

c) loan   d) share

19. The reduction in value of a fixed asset during the years is … .

a) profit   b) debt

c) depreciation  d) credit

20. The sum of money owed by customers for goods and services is … 

a) a profit  b) a debtor

c) a debt   d) a loan

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