Разработка технологии производства метаванадата аммония из черных сланцев месторождения Баласаускандык

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Ноября 2011 в 14:59, автореферат


Актуальность темы исследований. Минерально-сырьевая база редких тугоплавких металлов и редкоземельных элементов в Казахстане достаточно велика для того, чтобы создать на ее основе горно-добывающую и перерабатывающую промышленность. Особую роль в этом ряду играет ванадий как легирующий и модифицирующий элемент, который широко используется в металлургии при производстве конструкционных сталей, обладающих повышенными физико-механическими свойствами.

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    - from acid sated - concentration of adsorbed molecules of sulfuric anhydride dependence of extraction of vanadium is established on surfaces of minerals which provides an opportunity of creation of local reactionary zones and allows to improve the mechanism of interaction of sulfides with atomic oxygen at 140 ºС with the purpose of translation of vanadium in acid soluble forms. Optimum parameters of carrying out of heat treatment: temperature - 140 ºС; duration of process - 4 hours.

    - dependences of thermodynamic sizes and oxidation-reduction potentials of the connections formed on a surface of sulphidic minerals and process of oxidation of vanadium are established, allowing to provide effective melting with a high degree of extraction of metal;

    - on the basis of the scientific – practical concept of an ionic condition of vanadium in solutions optimum modes of its branch from impurity are established: preparation of a solution to consecutive sorption uranium, molybdenum and vanadium; divisions from phosphorus and the subsequent desorption with reception metavanadate ammonium. For the first time it is established an opportunity effective sorptionious extraction of vanadium from complex solutions anion exchanging by pitch Ambersep 920, (500 kg/t V2O5). It is revealed, that at sating ion on stages sorption a vanadic acid (two-plan metric sorption) in eluat pass ions of phosphorus that speaks propensity of vanadate-ions to condensation which degree grows with increase in its concentration in a phase of pitch and, probably, weak connection of phosphorus with vanadate-ions. The degree of clearing of a target product from accompanying impurity at use of the given reception reaches 98 %. The suggested technological circuit sorptionious repartition provides extraction (up to 99 %) and high selectivity of process.

    - for the first time the "know-how" metavanadate ammonium from black slates of Balasauskandyk is developed and introduced on an experimental plant of Open Company "Firm "Balausa".

    Degree of introduction. On the basis of the created technology the opportunity of processing persistent, ultra disperse and balanced raw material of Balasauskandyk deposit for the first time is shown. And also the developed technology completely is introduced on an experimental plant of Open Company "Firm "Balausa", located on a deposit (certificates in the appendix are applied).

    Scope. It is used in the field of geotechnology and technology of vanadium, and also in industrial metallurgy rare refractory and rare  elements of earth.

    Economic efficiency. Economic benefit at processing 30,0 thousand tons of black slates ores from introduction of ways low temperatured sulphitization and sorption divisions of rare metals into an experimental plant of Open Company "Firm "Balausa" will make 216,9 million tenge, with a time of recovery of outlay of capital investments 1,1 years.

    The forecasting assumption of development of object of researches. At use of results of work can be used for the further processing black slates with increase of extraction of vanadium, and also introduce complex technology on a deposit. At present the technology of complex use of raw material is developed: vanadium, uranium, molybdenum, rare elements of earth, technical carbon, melting odd materials for a metallurgical flux and reception from solutions alum-calium alum.

Информация о работе Разработка технологии производства метаванадата аммония из черных сланцев месторождения Баласаускандык