Төтенше жағдай кезінде халықты қорғау тәсілдері

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Января 2013 в 09:27, реферат


Жұмыстың жалпы сипаттамасы. Қазақ халқы үшін, яғни негізгі өмір сүру көзі – мал шаруашылығы болған дала қазағы үшін әбден таныс, тұрмыс-тіршілігінде де, тілдік жүйесінде де (паремиологиялық, фраезологиялық қорында да) жиі ұшырасатын, жалпы адамзат тіршілігімен біте қайнасып жататын табиғат құбылысының бір бөлшегі – жәндік атаулары күні бүгінге дейін тілдік тұрғыдан арнайы зерттелген емес. Байқап қарасақ, тілімізде жәндік атауларының өзі арнайы бір сөздік құрастыруға лайықты қоры бар, тілдің барлық жүйесінде (терминологиялық, диалектологиялық, паремиологиялық, фразеологиялық) кеңінен көрініс табатын тілдің зерттеу нысаны бола алады.

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  • the insect’s names indigenous and borrowed were  summarized  in  the  lexico-

semantic groups for the first time;

  • national volumetric meaning of anthropocentric, linguocultural, linguocognitive

nature of the insect’s names were defined for the first time;

  • the lexical layer and word forming structure    of    insect’s names    were described and their linguistic system were analysed for the first time;
  • the motivated characteristics of insect’s names were defined for the first time;
  • the comparison of insect’s names and their    active     use in the description of the people’s mood, behavior were defined  for the first time;

      - the analysis of phraseology and proverbs connected with the insects’names and the characteristics of their world outlook was also given.


Theoretical significance of the investigation is in that  the results and conclusion      of the scientific work habe made a big contribution for defining the actual problem in lexicology, terminology, ethnolinguistics, linguocultural linguistics and their development in theory. The results of investigation and collected linguistic materials on lexics give the opportunity to do anthro pocentric conclusions.

Practical value of the work. Materials, conclusions and results can be used on seminar works for teaching lexicology, terminology, linguocultur ology in higher educational Institutions and in compiling different dictionaries. The investigation of insects, names in linguistics is the onlu indicator of spiritual culture of people, thinking and imagination, world outlook of a man in giving the names. The main reasons for motivation in giving the names to the insects are connected with the external view, movement, jumping, clambering, crawling, wriggling disappearing,   activity and place of living, doing good or bad to/for the environment.

The world «snake», in the linguistic fund, occupies a big place in the world outlook of the Kazakh people, and has a symbolic basis, possessing cult meaning for the Kazakh people together with the evaluational connotational meanings. Thus, the word «snake» can becove a concope form the mythological and religious points of view.

      The insects’ names have entered the main vocabulary word stock and function since longago in the lexics the of Kazakh language. The majority of insects’ names common for the Turkic language, and are similar to their wordforming structure and lexical meaning. This similiarity gives much information about the history of the Turkic peoples and their culture.

      As a result of grouping lexical units a number of phrase logisms and comparisons to the insects enrich and replenish connotational aspect of the language and make up for the insufficiency in creating definite nominatiogs.


     The structure of the dissertion. The dissertation consists of the introduction, two parts, conclusion and the list and the list of used sources.


     The prospects of the research: to invertigate the following aspects as: other insects’ names, their communicative – pragmatic characteristic, their use in the language and their etimology.
















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