Политика миграции ЕС

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Марта 2013 в 17:29, практическая работа


Migration is at the heart of the political debate in Europe and, for a few years now, is one of the strategic priorities in the external relations of the Union. Carefully managed, it can be a positive factor for growth and success of both the Union and the countries concerned.
Following the entry into force of the Amsterdam treaty, the Tampere and the Hague European Councils and, more recently, the Brussels European Council, which adopted the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, have become the main reference and building blocks for a comprehensive migration and asylum policy.

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Migration is at the heart of the political debate in Europe and, for a few years now, is one of the strategic priorities in the external relations of the Union. Carefully managed, it can be a positive factor for growth and success of both the Union and the countries concerned.

Following the entry into force of the Amsterdam treaty, the Tampere and the Hague European Councils and, more recently, the Brussels European Council, which adopted the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, have become the main reference and building blocks for a comprehensive migration and asylum policy. With the political framework in place, concerns related to migration and asylum issues have become firmly part of the external relations policy and cooperation programmes with third countries. The integration of concerns related to migration and asylum within the external policy and EU programmes forms part of a comprehensive effort to address migration issues in a coherent and efficient way at EU level.

Increasingly, the EU is placing migration systematically on the agenda of its political, economic and social dialogues with third countries. Such dialogues address various dimensions of the migration phenomenon, such as the migration and development nexus, curbing irregular migration, readmission, human trafficking, integration of migrants in receiving societies, etc.

As regards cooperation, the EU is addressing migration and asylum through various cooperation instruments. National and regional programmes, such as MEDA, Tacis or Aeneas (financial and technical assistance to third countries in the field of migration) provide the core funding for addressing the root causes of migration and a number of migration and asylum projects (including border management). For the years of 2007-2010, the Thematic Programme for Cooperation on Migration and asylum has allocated a budget of € 205 million. In case of emergency situations related to migration, a special budget of € 20 million has been allocated. The second phase of the programme in the period 2010-2013 envisages additional funds of €175 million.


A specific programme existed for Uprooted People in Asia and Latin America (AUP). Even though this programme has ended, these regions keep receiving EU attention. The support is now channelled through national programmes.

     Stronger  cooperation and mobility at the centre of the renewed EU migration strategy.

Brussels, 18 November 2011 – The EU needs to boost its relationships with non-EU States to better reap the mutual benefits migration can bring. Although migration is high on the European Union’s political agenda, the Arab spring and events in the Southern Mediterranean in 2011 further highlighted the need for a coherent and comprehensive migration policy for the EU. That is why today the European Commission proposes to strength a dialogue and operational cooperation with non-EU partner countries in the area of migration and mobility, deepening the proposals contained in the Communication on a Partnership and Shared Prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean, of 8 May. The new approach is detailed in a renewed 'Global Approach to Migration and Mobility' which places mobility of third country nationals at its centre and which makes partnerships more sustainable and forward-looking. Mobility of third country nationals across the external EU borders is important as it applies to a wide range of people, such as short-term visitors, tourists, students, researchers, business people or visiting family members and linked to visa policy.

"We are setting up a strategic policy framework for migration and development which is clear and consistent. The EU will be better equipped for migration governance at home and globally only if it further reinforces its dialogue and cooperation with partner countries. The new EU Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) represents the strategic framework which is necessary to bring added value to the EU’s and Member States’ action in this area," said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs.

Priority will now be given to two main operational frameworks:


Firstly, Mobility Partnerships  will be offered to the EU's immediate Neighbourhood and to Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt in the first instance. Mobility partnerships offer a concrete framework for dialogue and cooperation between the EU and non-EU countries. These partnerships are focused on facilitating and organizing legal migration, effective and humane measures to address irregular migration, and concrete steps towards reinforcing the development outcomes of migration. Concluding visa facilitation and readmission agreements are to be part of these partnerships.

For other countries, t he Commission proposes to set up Common Agendas on Migration and Mobility that will constitute an  advanced level of cooperation, based on a number of common recommendations, targets and commitments for dialogue and cooperation.

Migration and Mobility Resource Centers  will be set up to provide resources and support to individuals and partner countries in the areas of skills and labour matching. The online EU Immigration Portal  launched today will, in addition, help migrants to make more informed choices about migration and mobility towards the EU.

A Global Approach Report  will now be prepared every two years, starting from June 2013, in order to monitor implementation and ensure progress.

The new renewed Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) will:

Be more integrated with EU foreign policy and development cooperation. It is to be jointly implemented by the European Commission, the European External Action Service, including the EU delegations, and the EU Member States.

Be better aligned with EU's internal policy objectives, notably the Europe 2020 Strategy but also employment and education policies. To ensure prosperity, Europe must become a more attractive destination in the global competition for talent.

Place a stronger focus on mobility and visa policy.

Complement the traditional three pillars of the Global Approach - legal migration, irregular migration, and migration and development with a fourth pillar on international protection and the external dimension of asylum policy .

Make EU action more migrant-centred, with the aim of empowering migrants and strengthening their human rights in countries of origin, transit and destination. Inter-regional migration outside the EU will also be addressed.

Continue to prioritise EU Neighbourhood, EU-Africa Partnership and countries in the east;

Identify the concerns and interests the EU shares with its partners and intensify cooperation. Since 2005, approximately 300 migration-related projects in non-EU countries have been funded by the European Commission, amounting to a value of € 800 million (see MEMO/11/801  for some concrete examples).

The original Global Approach to Migration was adopted in 2005 and was designed as a policy framework to address all relevant aspects of migration, in a balanced and comprehensive way, in partnership with non-EU countries.

It was evaluated in the first half of 2011 through a broad public consultation which confirmed its usefulness though also highlighted the need for stronger coherence with other policy areas and a better thematic and geographical balance.

Building on six years of experience, the Commission's proposals today also reconfirms the political priorities outlined in the Communications of 4 May and 24 May 2011

The EU Immigration Portal is a first point of entry for up-to-date, practical information on EU and national immigration procedures and policies. Workers, researchers, students and those looking to join their families already in the EU can find information adapted to their needs, about the Member State they are interested in moving to. The Portal also links directly to the websites of national authorities dealing with immigration. Users can also find straightforward information about their rights and whether they need a visa to come to the EU.

The EU Immigration Portal explains how to enter EU borders legally and describes the risks related to irregular migration, such as trafficking and smuggling. Migrants and potential migrants will also find a vast contact directory of governmental and non-governmental organisations which can help them. Moreover, migrants' support organisations, as well as immigration authorities, employment services and scholars, can also make use of the in-depth information accessible through the website.

The EU Immigration Portal is available in English and French at http://ec.europa.eu/immigration/

Arabic and Spanish versions of the site are underway, as are improvements to make it more accessible from different technical platforms.

In the development of the EU Immigration portal, the Commission carried out a broad consultation process, including organisations supporting migrants, trade-unions, employers' associations and faith-based groups from the countries of origin, transit and destination. These consultations have taken place in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain and Mali.

20.1 million people in the EU are citizens of third countries, representing around 4% of the total EU population.

In 2010, EU Member States and the countries participating in the Schengen cooperation issued over 11 million visas.

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